4. Crepidomanes C. Presl, Epimel. Bot. 258. 1851.
假脉蕨属 jia mai jue shu
Crepidophyllum C. F. Reed (1948), not Herzog (1926); Crepidopteris Copeland; Gonocormus Bosch; Nesopteris Copeland; Reediella Pichi Sermolli.
Plants small to medium-sized, epiphytic, epilithic, or terrestrial. Rhizome wiry and filiform to rather thick, short or long creeping, with dense to sparse short hairs, rootless or with wiry roots (Crepidomanes subg. Nesopteris (Copeland) Ebihara & K. Iwatsuki). Rachis winged throughout or wingless near base. Lamina pinnately decompound or rarely digitate to fan-shaped by reduction, entire, glabrous, with intramarginal or irregularly placed false veinlets or lacking these. Sori axillary or apical on short acroscopic segments; involucres conical to campanulate or funnel-shaped, rounded to acuminate at apex, with bilabiate or truncate mouth; lips circular or triangular, dilated or truncate; receptacles projecting.
About 30 species: Old World tropics and subtropics, from Africa to Japan and Polynesia; 11 species in China.
Crepidomanes grande (Copeland) Ebihara & K. Iwatsuki (Blumea 51: 239. 2006; Trichomanes grande Copeland, Philipp. J. Sci. 6: 70-71. 1911; Nesopteris grandis (Copeland) Copeland; Trichomanes elatum Bosch (1861), not G. Forster (1786), nor Desvaux (1827); described from the Philippines) was recorded from Hainan and Taiwan in FRPS (2: 195. 1959), but it has not been possible to confirm these records.
Crepidomanes intramarginale (Hooker & Greville) Copeland (Philipp. J. Sci. 67: 59. 1938; Trichomanes intramarginale Hooker & Greville, Icon. Filic. 2: t. 211. 1831; described from Sri Lanka) was recorded from Guangdong and Hong Kong in FRPS (2: 163. 1959), but it has not been possible to confirm these records.
Crepidomanes acuto-obtusum (Hayata) K. Iwatsuki (Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 17: 71. 1958; Trichomanes acuto-obtusum Hayata, Icon. Pl. Formosan. 4: 135. 1914) was described from Taiwan but is excluded from the present treatment.