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11. Delphinium Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 530. 1753; Gen. Pl. ed 5, 236; 1754.

翠雀属 cui que shu

Wang Wencai; Michael J. Warnock

Delphinium grandiflorum

Credit: Harvard University Herbaria

Chienia W. T. Wang.

Herbs perennial, rarely biennial or annual. Stem(s) erect or ascending, or much reduced. Leaves basal and/or cauline; leaf blade palmately divided. Inflorescence racemose or corymbose, sometimes only 1-flowered. Pedicels usually 2-bracteolate. Flowers bisexual, zygomorphic. Sepals 5, petaloid and variously colored, upper one spurred. Petals 2, sessile, free, spurred; spur nectariferous. Staminodes 2, each usually with a slender claw and an expanded limb. Stamens numerous; filaments lanceolate-linear, 1-veined; anthers ellipsoid. Carpels 3(or 4--10); ovaries many ovulate. Styles without a distinct stigma. Follicles narrowly oblong, reticulate. Seeds obpyramidal, tetrahedral, or obovoid, narrowly winged along angles, transversely rugose, squamulose winged, lamellate, or concave reticulate.

About 350 species: N hemisphere, also a few species in equatorial Africa; 173 species (150 endemic) in China.

In order to reduce the length of the species descriptions and keep them as parallel as possible, section descriptions are included in the treatment. Delphinium is represented in China by an extraordinary number of taxa, many of these with very narrow geographic distributions. The present senior author (Wang) is the primary architect of this treatment of the genus for China, and the circumscription of the species represents his concept of the species boundaries. While the junior author (Warnock) would be more comfortable consolidating some of the species, he does not have the detailed familiarity with the entire range of variation among the Chinese Delphinium species to accomplish a major revision successfully. In addition, it seems clear that hybridization is a significant complicating factor in the taxonomy of Chinese Delphinium. During a brief field trip by the junior author to China, hybrids were seen between D. bulleyanum and D. delavayi, D. ceratophorum and D. grandiflorum, and D. coleopodum and D. delavayi . It is likely that searching would reveal additional hybrids. In fact, it is possible that some of the taxa recognized in the present account are actually hybrids.

1 Leaf blade pinnately compound; plants annual; petals enlarged distally; seeds transversely lamellate (5. D. sect. Anthriscifolium)   173 D. anthriscifolium
+ Leaf blade palmately parted (simple or compound); plants perennial; petals not enlarged distally; seeds narrowly winged along angles, or transversely rugose or squamulose winged.   (2)
2 (1) Sepals and staminodes yellow (4. D. sect. Oligophyllon)   172 D. biternatum
+ Sepals and staminodes blue, purple, black, brown, or white (if sepals yellow, then staminodes black).   (3)
3 (2) Petals and staminodes wholly or partly black to brown.   (4)
+ Petals and staminodes not black to brown, similar in color to sepals (blue, purple, or white) (3. D. sect. Delphinastrum).   (78)
4 (3) Staminode limb weakly differentiated from claw (limb less than 2 × as wide as claw and less than 45° angle from claw), adaxially glabrous or ciliate (1. D. sect. Aconitoides).   (5)
+ Staminode limb distinct from claw in width (limb at least 2 × as wide as claw) and orientation (limb at least 45° from claw), usually adaxially barbate (2. D. sect. Elatopsis).   (10)
5 (4) Spur pendulous; yellow, glandular hairs absent from stem.   (6)
+ Spur within 45° of horizontal; yellow, glandular hairs present on stem.   (8)
6 (5) Inflorescence tapered cylindric, usually at least 16 cm   6 D. trichophorum
+ Inflorescence ovoid to globose, usually less than 16 cm.   (7)
7 (6) Spur less than 1.7 cm   1 D. forrestii
+ Spur at least 1.7 cm   5 D. oxycentrum
8 (5) Stem less than 20 cm; inflorescence less than 3 × as long as wide, ca. 4-flowered   3 D. xichangense
+ Stem 20--50(--70) cm; inflorescence at least 3 × as long as wide, (6--)10--20-flowered.   (9)
9 (8) Bracteoles at least 1.2 cm; raceme dense   2 D. leiophyllum
+ Bracteoles less than 1.2 cm; raceme lax   4 D. wrightii
10 (4) Inflorescence less than 3 × as long as wide, usually 1- or few flowered (to 40-flowered in D. densiflorum).   (11)
+ Inflorescence at least 3 × as long as wide, usually more than 6-flowered.   (47)
11 (10) Carpels 4 or 5.   (12)
+ Carpels 3.   (20)
12 (11) Leaf base abruptly narrowed and cuneate   14 D. brunonianum
+ Leaf base not narrowed.   (13)
13 (12) Leaf lobes separate for less than 90% of blade radius.   (14)
+ Leaf lobes separate for at least 90% of blade radius.   (16)
14 (13) Spur subulate, ca. 2.5 mm in diam. at base   34 D. lingbaoense
+ Spur conic, (3--)4--7 mm in diam. at base.   (15)
15 (14) Stem 6--10 cm; spur less than 9 mm   13 D. lacostei
+ Stem 40--50 cm; spur more than 9 mm   15 D. yechengense
16 (13) Flower solitary; carpels 4   20 D. chumulangmaense
+ Flowers 2--6; carpels 5 (rarely 4).   (17)
17 (16) Spur conic or narrowly so, less than 2 cm, base 4--5 mm in diam.   (18)
+ Spur subulate or cylindric-subulate, more than 2 cm, base ca. 3 mm in diam.   (19)
18 (17) Filaments glabrous   17 D. glaciale
+ Filaments pilose   18 D. pseudoglaciale
19 (17) Inflorescence with yellow, glandular hairs; petal apex emarginate; staminode limb suboblong, 2-cleft; filaments glabrous   32 D. pylzowii
+ Inflorescence without glandular hairs; petal apex entire; staminode limb suborbicular, emarginate; filaments sparsely pilose   33 D. motingshanicum
20 (11) Leaf lobes separate for less than 90% of blade radius.   (21)
+ Leaf lobes separate for at least 90% of blade radius.   (33)
21 (20) Carpels hairy only on ventral suture, glabrous elsewhere   24 D. wardii
+ Carpels evenly hairy throughout exposed surfaces.   (22)
22 (21) Spur conic or conic-tubular, base 5--12 mm in diam.   (23)
+ Spur cylindric or subulate, base 2--4(--4.5) mm in diam.   (25)
23 (22) Bracteoles blue-purple, navicular-lanceolate   41 D. purpurascens
+ Bracteoles not blue-purple, flat.   (24)
24 (23) Bracteoles more than 0.5 mm from flowers; spur base 7--12 mm in diam.   16 D. chrysotrichum
+ Bracteoles ca. 0.5 mm from flowers; spur base ca. 5 mm in diam.   19 D. viscosum
25 (22) Bracteoles ca. 1 mm from flowers.   (26)
+ Bracteoles more than 1 mm from flowers.   (29)
26 (25) Bracteoles elliptic   39 D. albocoeruleum
+ Bracteoles linear or narrowly so.   (27)
27 (26) Staminodes yellow barbate   27 D. chenii
+ Staminodes white barbate.   (28)
28 (27) Spur less than 1 cm   12 D. pulanense
+ Spur more than 1 cm   61 D. wentsaii
29 (25) Staminode limb emarginate at apex   28 D. yangii
+ Staminode limb 2-lobed to middle.   (30)
30 (29) Sepal margin white   27 D. chenii
+ Sepal margin not white.   (31)
31 (30) Lateral and lower sepals obovate or broadly so   30 D. pseudopulcherrimum
+ Lateral and lower sepals elliptic or ovate.   (32)
32 (31) Stem less than 50 cm   25 D. smithianum
+ Stem ca. 50 cm   40 D. siwanense
33 (20) Bracteoles ca. 1 mm from flower.   (34)
+ Bracteoles more than 1 mm from flower.   (35)
34 (33) Bracteoles linear, 1--1.7 mm wide   29 D. batangense
+ Bracteoles narrowly elliptic, 3--3.5 mm wide   38 D. henryi
35 (33) Bracteoles leaflike, 3-cleft.   (36)
+ Bracteoles undivided, linear or lanceolate.   (40)
36 (35) Spur longer than lateral sepals.   (37)
+ Spur shorter than or equaling lateral sepals.   (38)
37 (36) Sepals 2--3 cm, spur subulate   35 D. candelabrum
+ Sepals 1.4--1.5 cm, spur cylindric   37 D. calophyllum
38 (36) Inflorescence 1-flowered; staminodes undivided   23 D. chungbaense
+ Inflorescence 2- or 3-flowered; staminodes 2-lobed.   (39)
39 (38) Sepals 1.9--2 cm, spur subcylindric, shorter than sepals, ca. 1.2 cm; filaments pilose   36 D. pseudocandelabrum
+ Sepals 1.2--1.5 cm, spur subulate, subequaling sepals, 1.2--1.4 cm; filaments glabrous   22 D. qinghaiense
40 (35) Inflorescence 1-flowered; spur shorter than lateral sepals.   (41)
+ Inflorescence 2--7-flowered; spur longer than lateral sepals.   (42)
41 (40) Spur cylindric, 1--1.3 cm   21 D. tangkulaense
+ Spur cylindric-subulate or subulate, 1.7--2.6 cm   35 D. candelabrum
42 (40) Lower sepals obovate, apex rounded   30 D. pseudopulcherrimum
+ Lower sepals ovate, elliptic-ovate, or narrowly elliptic, apex narrowed.   (43)
43 (42) Central leaf segment 2- or 3-subpinnately dissected, ultimate lobules narrowly ovate to linear   32 D. pylzowii
+ Central leaf segment 3-parted, ultimate lobules ovate or narrowly so.   (44)
44 (43) Lateral sepals equaling or longer than spur; seeds not densely squamulose winged   22 D. qinghaiense
+ Lateral sepals shorter than spur or, if equaling spur (D. siwanense), seeds densely squamulose winged.   (45)
45 (44) Sepals 2--2.2 cm, spur 3.5--3.8 cm   26 D. malacophyllum
+ Sepals 1.1--1.8 cm, spur 1.6--2.4 cm.   (46)
46 (45) Stem 28--30 cm; sepal margin white; spur 2--2.4 cm   31 D. yajiangense
+ Stem 38--120 cm; sepal margin not white; spur 1.6--1.8 cm   40 D. siwanense
47 (10) Spur ca. 10 mm, much shorter than lateral sepals.   (48)
+ Spur at least 9 mm, equaling or longer than lateral sepals, rarely slightly shorter than them (D. subspathulatum, D. vestitum, and D. wuqiaense).   (52)
48 (47) Carpels pubescent.   (49)
+ Carpels glabrous.   (51)
49 (48) Basal leaves absent at anthesis   8 D. nordhagenii
+ Basal leaves present at anthesis.   (50)
50 (49) Raceme 20--40-flowered   7 D. densiflorum
+ Raceme less than 20-flowered   12 D. pulanense
51 (48) Stem 30--38 cm; bracteoles sessile, linear-lanceolate   9 D. tetragynum
+ Stem 20--23 cm; bracteoles shortly stalked, obovate, elliptic, or linear   10 D. taxkorganense
52 (47) Leaves all basal, or 1 or 2 proximal cauline leaves present.   (53)
+ Leaves both basal and cauline, cauline leaves evenly distributed.   (57)
53 (52) Leaf blade cleft to base, ultimate lobules linear to narrowly lanceolate   67 D. erlangshanicum
+ Leaf blade cleft less than 80% to base, ultimate lobules not linear.   (54)
54 (53) Hairs of bracteole margin 1.5--2.2 mm   46 D. iliense
+ Hairs of bracteole margin ca. 0.8 mm.   (55)
55 (54) Rachis with yellow, glandular hairs   57 D. kaschgaricum
+ Rachis without yellow, glandular hairs.   (56)
56 (55) Lateral sepals at least 1.2 cm   58 D. zhangii
+ Lateral sepals less than 1.2 cm   44 D. kansuense
57 (52) Leaf blade lobed less than 50% to base.   (58)
+ Leaf blade lobed more than 50% to base.   (59)
58 (57) Stem without glandular hairs; spur cylindric-conic, slightly shorter than lateral sepals, 1.1--1.3 cm, base 5--6 mm in diam.   11 D. vestitum
+ Stem with yellow, glandular hairs; spur subulate, slightly longer than lateral sepals, 1.9--2.6 cm, base 3--4 mm in diam.   43 D. nangziense
59 (57) Bracteoles borne proximally on pedicel   51 D. maackianum
+ Bracteoles borne near middle of pedicel or distally.   (60)
60 (59) Bracteoles navicular-ovate   48 D. naviculare
+ Bracteoles flat, not navicular.   (61)
61 (60) Pedicels glabrous.   (62)
+ Pedicels hairy.   (65)
62 (61) Sepals abaxially densely puberulent   62 D. mollifolium
+ Sepals abaxially glabrous.   (63)
63 (62) Bracteoles contiguous to flowers   65 D. korshinskyanum
+ Bracteoles remote from flowers.   (64)
64 (63) Bracteoles narrowly lanceolate or linear-oblanceolate, margin long ciliate   46 D. iliense
+ Bracteoles narrowly linear, margin not ciliate   59 D. sinoelatum
65 (61) Bracteoles 2--3 mm wide.   (66)
+ Bracteoles ca. 1 mm wide.   (70)
66 (65) Stem with dense, yellow, glandular hairs   45 D. hillcoatiae
+ Stem without yellow, glandular hairs.   (67)
67 (66) Bracteoles remote from flowers.   (68)
+ Bracteoles contiguous to flowers.   (69)
68 (67) Stem simple; pedicels to 8 cm; spur slightly shorter than sepals   42 D. subspathulatum
+ Stem branched; pedicels to 2.7 cm; spur slightly longer than sepals   49 D. ellipticovatum
69 (67) Raceme rachis without glandular hairs; bracteoles lanceolate-oblong or lanceolate, 8--10 mm   50 D. winklerianum
+ Raceme rachis with yellow, glandular hairs; bracteoles linear, 10--14 mm   64 D. tabatae
70 (65) Sepals abaxially without yellow, glandular hairs.   (71)
+ Sepals abaxially with yellow, glandular hairs.   (74)
71 (70) Carpels glabrous   63 D. eglandulosum
+ Carpels pubescent.   (72)
72 (71) Pedicels and sepals abaxially strigose; carpels densely strigose   54 D. tianshanicum
+ Pedicels and sepals abaxially puberulent; carpels puberulent.   (73)
73 (72) Petals sparsely ciliate, apex 2-lobed   47 D. aktoense
+ Petals glabrous, apex emarginate   66 D. trisectum
74 (70) Central primary leaf lobes and secondary lobes of lateral primary lobes long acuminate or caudate at apex   60 D. shawurense
+ Central primary leaf lobes and secondary lobes of lateral primary lobes acute or acuminate at apex.   (75)
75 (74) Bracteoles contiguous to flowers.   (76)
+ Bracteoles remote from flowers.   (77)
76 (75) Petals 2-lobed; carpels densely puberulent   52 D. tarbagataicum
+ Petals entire; carpels glabrous   53 D. elatum
77 (75) Spur shorter than or equaling lateral sepals   55 D. wuqiaense
+ Spur longer than lateral sepals   56 D. kunlunshanicum
78 (3) Cauline leaf petiole sheath 8--15 mm wide   139 D. coleopodum
+ Cauline leaf petiole sheath less than 8 mm wide, or cauline leaves absent.   (79)
79 (78) Carpels at least 4.   (80)
+ Carpels 3.   (88)
80 (79) Staminode limb cleft for at least 30% of its length.   (81)
+ Staminode limb cleft for less than 30% of its length.   (84)
81 (80) Inflorescence less than 3 × as long as wide   162 D. caeruleum
+ Inflorescence at least 3 × as long as wide.   (82)
82 (81) Stem at least 40 cm   154 D. pseudomosoynense
+ Stem less than 40 cm.   (83)
83 (82) Spur less than 1 cm   8 D. nordhagenii
+ Spur at least 1 cm   69 D. humilius
84 (80) Inflorescence more than 3 × as long as wide.   (85)
+ Inflorescence less than 3 × as long as wide.   (86)
85 (84) Staminode limb white barbate   68 D. kingianum
+ Staminode limb yellow barbate   153 D. sinopentagynum
86 (84) Staminode limb narrowly obovate; spur at least 2.4 cm, base at least 3 mm in diam.   161 D. beesianum
+ Staminode limb broadly obovate or suborbicular; spur to 2.6 cm, base to 4 mm in diam.   (87)
87 (86) Staminodes white barbate   163 D. huangzhongense
+ Staminodes yellow barbate   162 D. caeruleum
88 (79) Sepals abaxially corniculate near apex.   (89)
+ Sepals abaxially not or very shortly (less than 0.5 mm) corniculate near apex.   (97)
89 (88) Corniculate projection 2.5--3.5 mm, 2-cleft   105 D. campylocentrum
+ Corniculate projection less than 2.5 mm, not 2-cleft.   (90)
90 (89) Spur ca. 1.3 cm   111 D. sparsiflorum
+ Spur more than 1.3 cm.   (91)
91 (90) Sepals yellow pubescent abaxially   132 D. leiostachyum
+ Sepals white pubescent abaxially.   (92)
92 (91) Inflorescence pubescent   106 D. sutchuenense
+ Inflorescence glabrous.   (93)
93 (92) Petals apically 2-lobate   117 D. taliense
+ Petals apically entire or emarginate.   (94)
94 (93) Spur ca. 2.4 cm.   (95)
+ Spur less than 2.4 cm.   (96)
95 (94) Filaments pilose   120 D. ceratophoroides
+ Filaments glabrous   131 D. dolichocentroides
96 (94) Basal leaves present at anthesis   128 D. ceratophorum
+ Basal leaves absent at anthesis   136 D. yunnanense
97 (88) Spur U-shaped or spirally recurved (more than 180°).   (98)
+ Spur straight, upcurved, or recurved to 180°, neither U-shaped nor spirally curved.   (107)
98 (97) Pedicels glabrous.   (99)
+ Pedicels hairy.   (101)
99 (98) Inflorescence less than 3 × as long as wide; leaf blade lobed ca. 50% to base   96 D. maoxianense
+ Inflorescence at least 3 × as long as wide; leaf blade lobed more than 50% to base.   (100)
100 (99) Leaf blade lobed less than 90% to base   92 D. potaninii
+ Leaf blade lobed at least 90% to base   113 D. glabricaule
101 (98) Leaf blade lobed ca. 50% to base   95 D. sinovitifolium
+ Leaf blade lobed more than 50% to base.   (102)
102 (101) Leaf lobes long acuminate or caudate at apex   103 D. pseudotongolense
+ Leaf lobes shortly acuminate at apex.   (103)
103 (102) Stem proximally glabrous.   (104)
+ Stem proximally hairy.   (105)
104 (103) Raceme with only yellow, glandular hairs; petals undivided   100 D. wenchuanense
+ Raceme with both appressed, white hairs and yellow, glandular hairs; petals 2-lobed   101 D. bulleyanum
105 (103) Stem sparsely pubescent proximally   99 D. angustirhombicum
+ Stem hispid proximally.   (106)
106 (105) Leaf blade strongly divided, with many lobules; lateral sepals 1.5--1.8 cm; carpels hairy   97 D. spirocentrum
+ Leaf blade less divided, with few lobules; lateral sepals ca. 1.1 cm; carpels glabrous   98 D. gonggaense
107 (97) Leaf blade lobed up to 90% to base.   (108)
+ Leaf blade lobed more than 90% to base.   (164)
108 (107) Sepals hairy on both surfaces.   (109)
+ Sepals adaxially glabrous.   (110)
109 (108) Stem, raceme rachis, and pedicels densely appressed puberulent; bracteoles 10--18 mm; spur subcylindric   70 D. pachycentrum
+ Stem and raceme rachis glabrous, pedicels glabrous proximally, puberulent distally; bracteoles ca. 5 mm; spur subulate   75 D. yuchuanii
110 (108) Spur shorter than or equaling lateral sepals.   (111)
+ Spur longer than lateral sepals, rarely subequaling them.   (116)
111 (110) Inflorescence less than 3 × as long as wide   92 D. potaninii
+ Inflorescence ca. 3 × as long as wide.   (112)
112 (111) Spur ca. 9 mm, upcurved   77 D. orthocentrum
+ Spur more than 10 mm, usually horizontal or recurved.   (113)
113 (112) Leaf primary lobes cleft ca. 50% of blade radius   116 D. aemulans
+ Leaf primary lobes cleft less than 50% of blade radius.   (114)
114 (113) Bracteoles less than 0.8 mm wide   88 D. longipedicellatum
+ Bracteoles 1.2--2 mm wide.   (115)
115 (114) Bracteoles more than 0.5 mm from flowers   72 D. gyalanum
+ Bracteoles ca. 0.5 mm from flowers   76 D. micropetalum
116 (110) Bracteoles ca. 1 mm from flowers.   (117)
+ Bracteoles more than 1 mm from flowers.   (121)
117 (116) Basal leaves 4--8, present at anthesis; cauline leaves 1--3, borne proximally on stem.   (118)
+ Basal leaves usually wilted at anthesis; cauline leaves at least 3, evenly arranged along stem.   (119)
118 (117) Stem ca. 40 cm, spreading hispid throughout; raceme ca. 20 cm; spur 1.7--2 cm   127 D. yongningense
+ Stem less than 40 cm, sparsely strigose near base, glabrous elsewhere; raceme less than 20 cm; spur 2.4--2.6 cm   133 D. brevisepalum
119 (117) Bracteoles narrowly lanceolate   79 D. delavayi
+ Bracteoles linear.   (120)
120 (119) Spur more than 1.8 cm; pedicels more than 1 cm   80 D. umbrosum
+ Spur ca. 1.8 cm; pedicels ca. 1 cm   89 D. pseudocyananthum
121 (116) Leaf cleft less than 60% of blade radius.   (122)
+ Leaf cleft ca. 60% of blade radius.   (124)
122 (121) Raceme glabrous   121 D. hamatum
+ Raceme puberulent.   (123)
123 (122) Inflorescence yellow glandular puberulent; ovaries pubescent   122 D. hueizeense
+ Inflorescence white puberulent; ovaries glabrous   123 D. calthifolium
124 (121) Leaf blade lobed more than 85% of blade radius.   (125)
+ Leaf blade lobed ca. 85% of blade radius.   (143)
125 (124) Pedicels glabrous.   (126)
+ Pedicels hairy.   (131)
126 (125) Staminode limb 2-cleft to middle.   (127)
+ Staminode limb entire or emarginate at apex.   (129)
127 (126) Middle cauline leaves with central lobe broadly rhombic, 3-cleft; pedicels ascending-spreading, forming an obtuse angle with rachis   134 D. tenii
+ Middle cauline leaves with central lobe lanceolate, often undivided, or with 1 or 2 lobules; pedicels erect-spreading, forming an acute angle with rachis.   (128)
128 (127) Raceme laxly 3--10-flowered; spur 1.7--2.4 cm; petals glabrous, emarginate at apex   136 D. yunnanense
+ Raceme densely 18--30-flowered; spur 1.3--1.5 cm; petals ciliate at margin, 2-lobed at apex   137 D. pseudoyunnanense
129 (126) Stem at least 80 cm, ca. 10-leaved   74 D. cheilanthum
+ Stem less than 80 cm, up to 6-leaved.   (130)
130 (129) Sepals ca. 1.8 cm, spur 2.6--3 cm; staminode limb entire at apex   119 D. liangshanense
+ Sepals 1--1.4 cm, spur 1.8--2.5 cm; staminode limb emarginate at apex   134 D. tenii
131 (125) Raceme rachis glabrous.   (132)
+ Raceme rachis hairy.   (134)
132 (131) Stem ca. 70 cm; raceme to 22 cm, ca. 8-flowered   156 D. obcordatilimbum
+ Stem 11--30 cm; raceme 3--16 cm, 1--5-flowered.   (133)
133 (132) Stem ca. 30 cm; raceme 3--5-flowered; sepals 0.75--0.9 cm, spur ca. 1.9 cm; staminode limb 2-parted for more than 50% of its length   85 D. yanwaense
+ Stem 11--18 cm; raceme 1- or 2-flowered; sepals 1.6--1.7 cm, spur ca. 2.8 cm; staminode limb entire   124 D. pseudohamatum
134 (131) Pedicels without glandular hairs.   (135)
+ Pedicels with yellow, glandular hairs.   (139)
135 (134) Stem 75--95 cm; basal and lower cauline leaves wilted at anthesis.   (136)
+ Stem 3--17 cm; basal leaves present at anthesis.   (138)
136 (135) Staminode limb emarginate   73 D. hsinganense
+ Staminode limb 2-lobed.   (137)
137 (136) Bracteoles narrowly lanceolate   79 D. delavayi
+ Bracteoles subulate   136 D. yunnanense
138 (135) Stem 15--17 cm; leaf blade central lobe 3-parted; raceme 2--5-flowered   129 D. yulungshanicum
+ Stem 3--8 cm; leaf blade central lobe 3-dentate or 3-lobed; raceme 1- or 2-flowered   130 D. hui
139 (134) Leaf blade central lobe lanceolate, undivided or indistinctly 3-lobed   87 D. hirtifolium
+ Leaf blade central lobe rhombic or obovate-rhombic, usually distinctly 3-lobed.   (140)
140 (139) Leaf blade primary lobes dissected, ultimate lobules narrowly ovate to linear-lanceolate; carpels glabrous   140 D. kantzeense
+ Leaf blade primary lobes less divided, ultimate lobules triangular; carpels puberulent.   (141)
141 (140) Stem 11--30 cm; raceme 3- or 4-flowered   126 D. pergameneum
+ Stem more than 40 cm; raceme 5--15-flowered.   (142)
142 (141) Stem long hispid proximally   79 D. delavayi
+ Stem puberulent proximally   144 D. incisolobulatum
143 (124) Stem glabrous below inflorescence.   (144)
+ Stem hairy below inflorescence.   (152)
144 (143) Pedicels glabrous   92 D. potaninii
+ Pedicels hairy.   (145)
145 (144) Pedicels with only yellow, glandular hairs.   (146)
+ Pedicels with only white hairs or with both white hairs and yellow, glandular hairs.   (147)
146 (145) Inflorescence less than 3 × as long as wide   93 D. eriostylum
+ Inflorescence ca. 3 × as long as wide   118 D. lasiantherum
147 (145) Pedicels with only appressed, white hairs   78 D. altissimum
+ Pedicels with both appressed, white hairs and spreading, yellow, glandular hairs.   (148)
148 (147) Leaf blade central lobe with lateral lobules less than 2 × as long as neighboring lobules.   (149)
+ Leaf blade central lobe with lateral lobules ca. 2 × as long as neighboring lobules.   (150)
149 (148) Staminode hairs white; spur ca. 1.5 cm   82 D. handelianum
+ Staminode hairs yellow; spur 2--2.1 cm   83 D. honanense
150 (148) Leaf blade to 6.8 cm wide; raceme ca. 4-flowered; staminode limb emarginate at apex   102 D. ninglangshanicum
+ Leaf blade to 12 cm wide; raceme 6--16(--25)-flowered; staminode limb 2-cleft to middle.   (151)
151 (150) Pedicels with dense, spreading, yellow, glandular hairs and a few retrorse, white hairs; sepals 1.4--1.7 cm   86 D. tongolense
+ Pedicels with dense, retrorse, white hairs and sparse, spreading, yellow, glandular hairs; sepals 1--1.5 cm   101 D. bulleyanum
152 (143) Inflorescence less than 3 × as long as wide   94 D. laxicymosum
+ Inflorescence ca. 3 × as long as wide.   (153)
153 (152) Pedicels glabrous   91 D. hirticaule
+ Pedicels hairy.   (154)
154 (153) Leaf blade central lobes undivided or indistinctly 3-lobed.   (155)
+ Leaf blade central lobes distinctly 3-lobed to 3-parted.   (156)
155 (154) Bracteoles less than 2 mm from flowers   79 D. delavayi
+ Bracteoles ca. 2 mm from flowers   82 D. handelianum
156 (154) Stem with appressed hairs.   (157)
+ Stem with spreading or retrorse hairs.   (158)
157 (156) Stem ca. 30 cm; raceme rachis glabrous; pedicels 3.5--10 cm   85 D. yanwaense
+ Stem 57--65 cm; raceme rachis puberulent; pedicels 1--2.9 cm   84 D. omeiense
158 (156) Stem hairs 1.2--3 mm.   (159)
+ Stem hairs less than 1 mm or absent.   (160)
159 (158) Stem hairs yellowish   84 D. omeiense
+ Stem hairs white   91 D. hirticaule
160 (158) Bracteoles subulate or filiform, 2--5 × 0.2--0.4 mm, glabrous   90 D. sherriffii
+ Bracteoles lanceolate, 4.5--11 × 1.2--1.7 mm, hairy.   (161)
161 (160) Cauline leaf 1, leaf blade to 10 cm wide   144 D. incisolobulatum
+ Cauline leaves at least 2, leaf blade 8--16(--22) cm wide.   (162)
162 (161) Stem glabrous proximally; sepals less than 1 cm   81 D. latirhombicum
+ Stem puberulent proximally; sepals ca. 1 cm.   (163)
163 (162) Filaments glabrous to sparsely hairy   79 D. delavayi
+ Filaments pilose   72 D. gyalanum
164 (107) Leaves all basal.   (165)
+ Leaves both basal and cauline, sometimes basal and lower cauline leaves wilted at anthesis (in some alpine plants, lower internodes are very short and leaves may falsely appear to be all basal).   (170)
165 (164) Sepals adaxially puberulent.   (166)
+ Sepals adaxially glabrous.   (167)
166 (165) Lateral sepals more than 1.7 cm   148 D. chayuense
+ Lateral sepals ca. 1.7 cm   143 D. thibeticum
167 (165) Stem sparsely spreading pubescent; bracteoles more than 1 mm from flowers.   (168)
+ Stem retrorsely puberulent; bracteoles ca. 1 mm from flowers.   (169)
168 (167) Staminode limb suborbicular, entire; sepals elliptic-obovate or oblong, 1.5--1.8 cm   125 D. autumnale
+ Staminode limb broadly ovate, 2-cleft; sepals lanceolate, ca. 2.5 cm   165 D. saxatile
169 (167) Spur pendulous; sepals villous abaxially   147 D. pomeense
+ Spur horizontal; sepals puberulent abaxially   149 D. sinoscaposum
170 (164) Leaf blade primary lobes lobed for ca. 50% of their length, ultimate lobules ovate or narrowly so.   (171)
+ Leaf blade primary lobes lobed for more than 50% of their length, ultimate lobules lanceolate, narrowly so, or linear.   (190)
171 (170) Inflorescence less than 3 × as long as wide, or 1-flowered.   (172)
+ Inflorescence or branches ca. 3 × as long as wide.   (176)
172 (171) Leaf blade 1.3--2.6 cm wide.   (173)
+ Leaf blade 2.8--7 cm wide.   (174)
173 (172) Stem subglabrous; bracteoles leaflike, palmately 3-sect   35 D. candelabrum
+ Stem hispid; bracteoles linear, undivided   145 D. pseudothibeticum
174 (172) Pedicels 3.5--10 cm   164 D. davidii
+ Pedicels 1--2 cm.   (175)
175 (174) Spur ca. 2 cm; filaments glabrous   38 D. henryi
+ Spur ca. 1.5 cm; filaments sparsely hairy   109 D. conaense
176 (171) Staminode limb entire or emarginate at apex.   (177)
+ Staminode limb 2-lobed to 2-parted.   (179)
177 (176) Bracteoles ca. 1 mm from flowers, narrowly lanceolate; raceme with yellow, glandular hairs   143 D. thibeticum
+ Bracteoles more than 1 mm from flowers, narrowly linear or subulate; raceme without glandular hairs.   (178)
178 (177) Raceme rachis and pedicels densely retrorsely puberulent   155 D. majus
+ Raceme rachis glabrous, pedicels puberulent only at apex   156 D. obcordatilimbum
179 (176) Bracteoles ca. 1 mm from flowers.   (180)
+ Bracteoles more than 1 mm from flowers.   (184)
180 (179) Staminode limb with white hairs; leaf blade central segment undivided or indistinctly 3-lobed   114 D. trifoliolatum
+ Staminode limb with yellow or yellowish hairs; leaf blade central segment distinctly 3-lobed or 3-cleft.   (181)
181 (180) Stem ca. 10-leaved; basal leaves wilted at anthesis; carpels glabrous   115 D. wangii
+ Stem 1--3-leaved; basal leaves green at anthesis; carpels hairy.   (182)
182 (181) Stem spreading hispid   127 D. yongningense
+ Stem retrorsely pubescent or puberulent.   (183)
183 (182) Leaf blade 4.5--6 cm; raceme 7--10-flowered; filaments with a few hairs   142 D. medogense
+ Leaf blade 2.5--4 cm; raceme 2--4-flowered; filaments glabrous   146 D. taipaicum
184 (179) Pedicels glabrous.   (185)
+ Pedicels hairy.   (187)
185 (184) Stem hispid   108 D. rangtangense
+ Stem glabrous.   (186)
186 (185) Spur 1.8--2 cm, longer than sepals   110 D. giraldii
+ Spur 0.6--1.1 cm, subequaling sepals   111 D. sparsiflorum
187 (184) Pedicels with only yellow, glandular hairs   107 D. pseudocampylocentrum
+ Pedicels with white hairs (yellow, glandular hairs present or not).   (188)
188 (187) Inflorescence glabrous; sepals 0.7--0.8 cm   112 D. angustipaniculatum
+ Inflorescence hairy; sepals (0.9--)1.1--1.8 cm.   (189)
189 (188) Spur subulate-cylindric, 0.9--1 cm   71 D. caudatolobum
+ Spur subulate, 1.3--2.2 cm   104 D. muliense
190 (170) Inflorescence less than 3 × as long as wide, or 1-flowered.   (191)
+ Inflorescence ca. 3 × as long as wide.   (204)
191 (190) Bracteoles elliptic or elliptic-ovate; calyx urceolate; sepals longer than spur   152 D. likiangense
+ Bracteoles linear or subulate; calyx open; sepals shorter than spur.   (192)
192 (191) Bracteoles ca. 1 mm from flowers   147 D. pomeense
+ Bracteoles more than 1 mm from flowers.   (193)
193 (192) Staminode limb 2-cleft to middle.   (194)
+ Staminode limb emarginate or 2-lobulate at apex.   (198)
194 (193) Stem long branched proximally   171 D. maximowiczii
+ Stem simple or shortly branched distally.   (195)
195 (194) Ultimate leaf lobules narrowly ovate; spur 1.8--3 cm   35 D. candelabrum
+ Ultimate leaf lobules narrowly linear; spur ca. 2.5 cm.   (196)
196 (195) Stem simple; inflorescence 1-flowered; lateral sepals subequaling spur   150 D. nortonii
+ Stem branched distally; inflorescence 2--5-flowered; lateral sepals shorter than spur.   (197)
197 (196) Lateral sepals at least 1.7 cm; bracteoles borne proximally on pedicel, or absent   164 D. davidii
+ Lateral sepals less than 1.7 cm; bracteoles borne near middle of pedicel or distally   170 D. pseudocaeruleum
198 (193) Pedicels with spreading, white hairs (yellow, glandular hairs present or not).   (199)
+ Pedicels with retrorse or appressed, white hairs, or glabrous (yellow, glandular hairs present or not).   (201)
199 (198) Pedicels white puberulent only   169 D. mollipilum
+ Pedicels white puberulent and yellow glandular puberulent.   (200)
200 (199) Spur 2.5--3.1 cm; lateral sepals 2.4--3.6 cm; staminode limb ca. 13 × 10 mm   167 D. grandilimbum
+ Spur 3.3--3.8 cm; lateral sepals 1.4--1.6 cm; staminode limb ca. 6 × 5 mm   168 D. pumilum
201 (198) Stem proximally branched.   (202)
+ Stem simple or branched distally.   (203)
202 (201) Stem base retrorsely puberulent   171 D. maximowiczii
+ Stem base glabrous   134 D. tenii
203 (201) Sepals slightly shorter than spur; pedicels bracteolate above middle   159 D. grandiflorum
+ Sepals distinctly shorter than spur; pedicels bracteolate near middle   166 D. tatsienense
204 (190) Lateral sepals longer than spur.   (205)
+ Lateral sepals shorter than or equaling spur.   (208)
205 (204) Bracteoles ca. 1 mm from flowers, elliptic or elliptic-ovate; calyx urceolate; sepals 2--2.5 cm   152 D. likiangense
+ Bracteoles more than 1 mm from flowers, subulate; calyx open; sepals 1.1--1.8 cm.   (206)
206 (205) Raceme puberulent; staminode limb broadly obovate   160 D. kamaonense
+ Raceme glabrous; staminode limb obovate-oblong.   (207)
207 (206) Spur 1.3--1.5 cm; raceme 18--30-flowered   137 D. pseudoyunnanense
+ Spur 1.8--2 cm; raceme 5--9-flowered   141 D. pycnocentrum
208 (204) Spur subequaling lateral sepals, 1--1.4 cm, abruptly upcurved   138 D. yuanum
+ Spur usually longer than lateral sepals, (1.2--)1.5--3 cm, horizontal or recurved, rarely slightly upcurved.   (209)
209 (208) Staminode limb glabrous; sepals ± forward pointing   151 D. souliei
+ Staminode limb barbate; sepals ± spreading.   (210)
210 (209) Bracteoles ca. 1 mm from flower.   (211)
+ Bracteoles more than 1 mm from flowers.   (214)
211 (210) Raceme dense, pedicels densely yellow glandular puberulent   116 D. aemulans
+ Raceme ± sparse, pedicels only white puberulent, rarely mixed with a few yellow, glandular hairs.   (212)
212 (211) Cauline leaf blade ultimate lobules pungent at apex   143 D. thibeticum
+ Cauline leaf blade ultimate lobules acute or slightly obtuse at apex.   (213)
213 (212) Raceme at least 5-flowered; bracteoles lanceolate, 1--1.6 mm wide; spur 1.9--2.7 cm   143 D. thibeticum
+ Raceme 2--4-flowered; bracteoles oblong-ovate, 3--3.5 mm wide; spur 1.4--2 cm   146 D. taipaicum
214 (210) Raceme glabrous.   (215)
+ Raceme ± hairy.   (218)
215 (214) Carpels glabrous   135 D. shuichengense
+ Carpels hairy.   (216)
216 (215) Stem glabrous   156 D. obcordatilimbum
+ Stem hairy proximally, glabrous distally.   (217)
217 (216) Pedicels yellow pubescent near apex   125 D. autumnale
+ Pedicels glabrous   132 D. leiostachyum
218 (214) Raceme sparsely puberulent.   (219)
+ Raceme densely puberulent.   (222)
219 (218) Staminode limb suborbicular, apex entire   125 D. autumnale
+ Staminode limb obovate, apex usually emarginate or 2-lobed, rarely entire.   (220)
220 (219) Raceme dense; ovary sparsely pubescent   141 D. pycnocentrum
+ Raceme lax; ovary densely pubescent.   (221)
221 (220) Stem more than 50 cm   136 D. yunnanense
+ Stem to 50 cm   160 D. kamaonense
222 (218) Staminode limb broadly obovate or suborbicular   159 D. grandiflorum
+ Staminode limb narrowly obovate or oblong.   (223)
223 (222) Bracteoles narrowly oblong, 11--18 × 3--4 mm   157 D. weiningense
+ Bracteoles linear or subulate, 2.5--7 × 0.2--1 mm.   (224)
224 (223) Sepals abaxially only puberulent, spur 1.6--2.2 cm; petals glabrous; staminode limb emarginate at apex   155 D. majus
+ Sepals abaxially puberulent and villous, spur 2.4--2.8 cm; petals ciliate at apex; staminode limb erose at apex   158 D. nangchienense

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