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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 5 | Santalaceae

6. Dendrotrophe Miquel, Fl. Ned. Ind. 1(1): 776, 779. 1856.

寄生藤属 ji sheng teng shu

Henslowia Blume (1850), not Wallich (1832), nor Lowe ex Candolle (1844); Dufrenoya Chatin.

Woody vines, hemiparasitic, often on branches of other trees, evergreen. Stems terete, ridged when young. Leaves alternate, petiolate or sessile, leathery, palmately 3-9(-11)-veined, lateral veins arched above base, margin entire. Inflorescences axillary, 1-flowered, fasciculate, cymose, or umbellate; bracteoles 3-8 subtendting each flower. Perianth lobes 5 or 6, distinct from disk, interior with a tuft of hair or tongue-shaped appendage behind each stamen. Flowers bisexual or unisexual (plants monoecious or dioecious). Male flowers: stamens as many as perianth lobes, nearly on the base of lobes; filaments short; anthers small, introrse, cells divaricate, dehiscence oblique. Disk superior. Female flowers: slightly larger than male, solitary or in fascicles, usually sessile, perianth tube adnate to ovary, lobes similar to those of males, staminodes usually present, discs covering ovary. Ovary inferior; ovules 3, pendulous from apex of placenta. Style almost absent; stigmas lobed or capitate. Fruit a drupe, with ± persistent perianth lobes at apex, lost only in fully mature fruits, endocarp rigid, rugose or tuberculate abaxially, larger tubercles usually forming 8-10 longitudinal lines, adaxially embedded in seed. Seeds longitudinally furrowed, 8-10 aristate rays on transverse section; embryo straight, short; cotyledons minute.

About ten species: from Himalayas and SE Asia to S Australia; six species in China.

1 Stems tuberculate; leaves with 5-9 basal veins.   (2)
+ Stems not tuberulate; leaves with 3(or 5) basal veins.   (4)
2 (1) Branches without lenticels.   3 D. polyneura
+ Branches lenticellate.   (3)
3 (2) Leaves elliptic-ovate or obovate-elliptic, tuberculate on both surfaces; female flowers solitary or in clusters of 3 or 4.   1 D. platyphylla
+ Leaves broadly ovate, not tuberculate; female flowers solitary or paired.   2 D. granulata
4 (1) Bracteoles connate, forming an involucre; flowers unisexual, solitary, male flower with each stamen with a tonguelike appendage behind it.   4 D. umbellata
+ Bracteoles semidistinct, rarely forming an involucre; flowers unisexual or bisexual, solitary or clustered, each stamen with a small cluster of hairs behind it.   (5)
5 (4) Stigma 3-5-lobed; male inflorescence fasciculate, 1-8-flowered.   5 D. buxifolia
+ Stigma entire; male inflorescence fasciculate umbellate or cymose, 5- or 6-flowered.   6 D. varians

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