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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 2-3 | Polypodiaceae

4. Drynaria (Bory) J. Smith, Hooker?s J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 4: 60. 1841.

槲蕨属 hu jue shu

Authors: Zhang Xianchun & Michael G. Gilbert

Drynaria delavayi

Credit: Harvard University Herbaria

Polypodium subg. Drynaria Bory, Ann. Sci. Nat. (Paris) 5: 463. 1825.

Plants epiphytic, epilithic, or terrestrial. Rhizome shortly to long creeping; rhizome scales appressed or often squarrosely spreading, basifixed or peltate, margin toothed; fronds usually dimorphic, with basal and foliage frond, rarely monomorphic (basal frond absent); basal fronds sessile, orbicular to ovate-elliptic, entire to lobed up to 2/3; foliage fronds internally monomorphic or apical fertile part slightly narrowed, stalked, pinnatifid, apex often aborted, with a lateral pinna taking its place, rarely pinnate (then pinnae articulate to rachis, deciduous), hairs sometimes present, spread throughout lamina; in pinnatifid species, pinnae separating from costa and from each other by a line of abscission between costa and base of sinus; basal pinnae reduced; costae, costules, and main veins prominent abaxially, cross veins and minor venation evident, much anastomosing with occasional free included veinlets, veins forming glandular patches or nectaries along costa, usually just above costules; mature fronds without hydathodes on adaxial surface, margins cartilaginous, lamina of mature fronds scaly at first, glabrescent. Sori small, in rows along veins or connecting veins, very shallowly impressed. Sporangia glabrous or sometimes with glandular hairs. Spores with spines or small globules. n = 36, 37.

Sixteen species: paleotropical, mainly in subtropical and tropical regions, epiphytic, epilithic, or terrestrial; nine species (one endemic) in China.

1 Foliage fronds pinnate; pinnae articulate to rachis.   1 D. rigidula
+ Foliage fronds pinnatifid; pinnae not articulate to rachis   (2)
2 (1) Basal fronds thick, not transparent; sori in 2 or more rows between costa and margin   (3)
+ Basal fronds thin, transparent, sometimes absent (D. parishii); sori in 1 row between costa and margin   (5)
3 (2) Basal fronds orbicular, margin entire or shallowly undulate; sori small, irregularly spaced between lateral veins.   2 D. bonii
+ Basal fronds ovate or cordate, margin distinctly lobed; sori large, in 1 or 2 rows between lateral veins   (4)
4 (3) Plants 30-40 cm high; basal fronds 3-5 ?2-4 cm; sori in 1 row between lateral veins.   3 D. roosii
+ Plants up to 100 cm high; basal fronds 20-40 ?16-32 cm; sori in 2 rows between lateral veins.   4 D. quercifolia
5 (2) Scales peltate, rigid and imbricate; foliage fronds glabrous   (6)
+ Scales basifixed, soft and tufted; foliage fronds often hairy   (7)
6 (5) Basal fronds absent; foliage fronds with 5-9 pairs of pinnae.   5 D. parishii
+ Basal fronds present; foliage fronds with 8-12 pairs of pinnae.   6 D. propinqua
7 (5) Apex of foliage fronds not aborted; margin of lamina entire, long ciliate.   7 D. mollis
+ Apex of foliage fronds aborted; margin of lamina serrate or sinuate, glabrous or with short hairs in sinus   (8)
8 (7) Basal fronds oblong-lanceolate, 5-15 ?3-6 cm; foliage fronds 7-12 cm wide; pinnae 0.5-1.2 cm wide, apex of lower pinnae rounded, of upper pinnae acute.   8 D. baronii
+ Basal fronds ovate, 6-14 ?4-9 cm; foliage fronds 12-20 cm wide; pinnae 1.2-2 cm wide, apex of pinnae acuminate.   9 D. delavayi

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