76. Dubyaea Candolle, Prodr. 7: 247. 1838.
厚喙菊属 hou hui ju shu
Authors: Zhu Shi & Norbert Kilian
Herbs, perennial, often rosulate, caulescent or rarely acaulescent with 1 or few scapes. Stems leafy or leafless, with ± stiff, yellowish brown, reddish to purplish brown, or blackish mostly glandular hairs, rarely glabrous. Synflorescence of a solitary capitulum or corymbiform, rarely umbelliform with few to several or rarely to 20 capitula. Capitula declined, pendent, or erect, with several (ca. 7) to numerous (ca. 70) florets. Involucre cylindric, broadly campanulate, or almost hemispheric. Phyllaries in several series, often dark green to purplish or blackish when dry, glabrous or with brownish, purplish, or blackish stiff often glandular hairs along midvein; outer phyllaries imbricate, centripetally longer, longest 1/3-4/5 as long as inner ones; inner phyllaries ca. 8 to many, linear-lanceolate to lanceolate, ± equal to somewhat unequal in length. Florets yellow or of some shade of purple (pale, bluish, reddish, or brownish), or blue. Receptacle naked. Achene ± fusiform, weakly ± compressed, with 5 usually prominent main ribs alternating with 1 or 2 more slender secondary ribs, apex truncate or attenuate. Pappus yellowish, brownish, brown, or rarely ?whitish, bristles scabrid.
About 15 species: Bhutan, SW China, N India, N Myanmar, Nepal; 12 species (eight endemic) in China.
Dubyaea forrestii Mamgain & R. R. Rao (Edinburgh J. Bot. 65: 1. 2008) was described from rocky alpine slopes in Gaoligong Shan in NE Myanmar, close to the border with China or possibly inside Yunnan ("[F]lank of the N’Maikha-Salwin [Nu Jiang] divide, lat. 26°30′N, alt. 11,000′ [3700 m]"). It was described as being similar to D. atropurpurea and is known only from the type, G. Forrest 29660 (holotype, BM; isotype, E), collected in 1931.
1 |
Florets yellow |
(2) |
+ |
Florets of some shade of purple (pale, bluish, reddish, or brownish) or blue |
(6) |
2 (1) |
Stems, branches, and phyllaries glabrous; leaves undivided and entire or very scarcely and shallowly dentate, mostly rosulate and stem with bracts only. |
5 D. tsarongensis |
+ |
Stems, branches, and phyllaries with stiff yellowish brown, reddish, purplish brown, or blackish mostly glandular hairs; leaves dentate to pinnately lobed, sometimes basally crowded but usually cauline |
(3) |
3 (2) |
Stem with yellowish brown stiff hairs. |
4 D. emeiensis |
+ |
Stem with brown, reddish brown, purplish, or blackish stiff long glandular or non-glandular hairs |
(4) |
4 (3) |
Capitula with 40-50 florets; involucre broadly campanulate. |
1 D. hispida |
+ |
Capitula with less than 15 florets; involucre cylindric or narrowly cylindric |
(5) |
5 (4) |
Involucre ca. 1.5 cm; capitula with ca. 7 florets; achene ca. 7 mm. |
2 D. jinyangensis |
+ |
Involucre 1-1.1 cm; capitula with 9-13 florets; achene 4.5-5.5 mm. |
3 D. blinii |
6 (1) |
Plants rosulate, acaulescent; capitula on 1-7 scapes, less than 10 cm |
(7) |
+ |
Plants rosulate or not, caulescent with branched leafy or more rarely leafless but branched stem (15-)30-100 cm tall |
(8) |
7 (6) |
Rosettes with 3-7 scapes; plants with long stiff glandular hairs especially on scapes. |
10 D. amoena |
+ |
Rosettes with a solitary scape; plants glabrous. |
11 D. gombalana |
8 (6) |
Capitula erect; pappus ?whitish. |
7 D. cymiformis |
+ |
Capitula nodding; pappus yellowish to brown |
(9) |
9 (8) |
Lower and middle stem leaves at most tapering toward base but not contracted into a petiole-like rachis; stems, branches, and phyllaries glabrous. |
9 D. glaucescens |
+ |
At least lower and middle stem leaves contracted into a petiole-like unwinged or winged rachis; long stiff blackish hairs present at least in apical portion of stem |
(10) |
10 (9) |
Phyllaries glabrous except for a ciliate margin. |
12 D. stebbinsii |
+ |
Phyllaries on abaxial midvein with long stiff brown to blackish glandular hairs |
(11) |
11 (10) |
Involucre broadly campanulate, 1.8-2.2 × 2-2.5 cm. |
6 D. atropurpurea |
+ |
Involucre campanulate, 1.5-1.7 × 1-1.5 cm. |
8 D. rubra |
List of lower taxa
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