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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 20-21 | Asteraceae

193. Duhaldea Candolle, Prodr. 5: 366. 1836.

羊耳菊属 yang er ju shu

Shrubs or perennial herbs. Stems not winged, without resin canals. Leaves alternate, simple, small to very large, hairy. Capitula heterogamous, radiate or disciform, solitary, few together, or in dense terminal corymbs. Receptacle epaleate, with scalelike ridges. Marginal florets female; corolla yellow to white, radiate to miniradiate; epidermis not crested. Disk florets bisexual; corolla yellow or whitish; epidermis with straight cell walls, without needlelike crystals; corolla lobes short, smooth. Anthers ecalcarate, with branched tails; apical appendix truncate and almost emarginate; endothecial tissue polarized. Cells of antheropodium longer than wide. Pollen spines with a cavity. Style branches with acute sweeping hairs not reaching furcation. Achenes ellipsoid, hairy; epidermis with elongated crystals. Pappus of barbellate, capillary bristles in 1 row. x = (9 or)10.

About 15 species: C, E, and SE Asia; seven species (two endemic) in China.

1 Perennial herbs; capitula 1.5-2.5 cm in diam.; phyllaries herbaceous; ray florets white, lamina distinct, 8-13.5 × 1.5-2.5 mm.   1 D. nervosa
+ Shrubs or perennials; capitula 0.5-1.5(-2) cm in diam.; phyllaries dry membranous; ray florets yellow, lamina usually indistinct or distinct   (2)
2 (1) Leaves thin, both surfaces glabrous; capitula 1.5-2 cm in diam., 1-5 axillary in short branches, forming cyme-panicles; ray floret lamina 6-8.5 mm.   2 D. rubricaulis
+ Leaves thick, densely tomentose or lanate; capitula 0.5-1 cm in diam., terminal on stems or branches; ray floret lamina less than 6 mm or ray florets absent   (3)
3 (2) Leaves decurrent along stems, forming wings; pappus light reddish brown.   3 D. pterocaula
+ Stems wingless; pappus white or grayish white   (4)
4 (3) Leaves persistently lanate abaxially; ray floret lamina to 1 mm or absent; involucre densely tomentose.   4 D. cappa
+ Leaves pubescent and scabrid abaxially; ray floret lamina at least 3 mm (rarely absent); involucre glandular or pubescent   (5)
5 (4) Leaves lanceolate or oblanceolate, both surfaces with short glandular hairs, abaxially densely pubescent along veins; capitula few.   5 D. forrestii
+ Leaves oblong, elliptic, or oblong-lanceolate, both surfaces scabrid; capitula numerous   (6)
6 (5) Leaf blade ca. 10 × 3 cm, apex acute; involucre 7-8 mm, pubescent.   6 D. wissmanniana
+ Leaf blade 10-18 × 4-6 cm, apex acuminate; involucre 4-5 mm, tomentose.   7 D. eupatorioides

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