2. Elatine Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 367. 1753.
沟繁缕属 gou fan lü shu
Herbs annual, aquatic. Stem prostrate, slender, rooting at nodes. Leaves opposite or verticillate, shortly petiolate; leaf blade small, margin usually entire. Flowers usually only 1 per node, very small. Sepals 2-4, united at base, membranous, apex subacute. Petals 2-4, longer than sepals, apex obtuse. Stamens 1 or 2 × as many as petals. Ovary globose, compressed, 2-4-loculed, apex truncate; ovules numerous; styles 2-4; stigmas capitate. Capsule membranous, 2-4-septicidal. Seeds straight, curved, or horseshoe-shaped, surface reticulate-striate with hexagonal or elliptic pits.
About 25 species: tropical, subtropical, and temperate regions; three species in China.
1 |
Sepals and petals 4; stamens 8; capsule 4-septicidal; seeds horseshoe-shaped. |
1 E. hydropiper |
+ |
Sepals and petals 3; stamens 3; capsule 3-septicidal; seeds nearly straight or slightly curved |
(2) |
2 (1) |
Flowers sessile or shortly pedicellate, pedicel 0.3-0.4 mm, conspicuously shorter than petals. |
2 E. triandra |
+ |
Flowers conspicuously pedicellate, pedicel 1.5-2.5 mm, 1-2 × as long as petals. |
3 E. ambigua |
Lower Taxa
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