5. Epirixanthes Blume, Catalogus. 25. 1823.
寄生鳞叶草属 ji sheng lin ye cao shu
Herbs annual, erect, echlorophyllous, saprophytic. Roots not aromatic. Stems erect, simple or sparsely branched. Leaves sessile, scalelike. Inflorescence spicate, terminal, bracts persistent or caducous, bracteoles present or absent. Flowers very small. Sepals 5, unequal. Petals 3; keel longer than lateral petals, without appendages. Stamens 2-5; filaments united or partly free; anthers dehiscent by a slit. Disk present. Ovary compressed, 2-loculed; ovule 1 per locule, epitropous; style long and straight, or short and bifurcate toward apex. Fruit indehiscent. Seeds ellipsoid, glabrous, nearly without endosperm, with thickened tissue at micropylar end.
About five species: tropical Asia, tropical Australia; one species in China.
Lower Taxon
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