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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 22 | Poaceae

193. Eulaliopsis Honda, Bot. Mag. (Tokyo). 38: 56. 1924.

拟金茅属 ni jin mao shu

Authors: Shou-liang Chen & Sylvia M. Phillips

Pollinidium Stapf ex Haines.

Perennial. Leaf blades narrow; ligule a long-ciliate rim. Inflorescences terminal and axillary from upper leaf sheaths, composed of a few subdigitate racemes; racemes conspicuously hairy, fragile, sessile and pedicelled spikelets of a pair similar, both fertile; rachis internodes and pedicels flat, ciliate. Spikelets elliptic-oblong, lightly laterally compressed below middle, flat above; callus densely bearded; glumes villous below middle; lower glume papery, convex, 5–9-veined, veins prominent, apex shortly 2–3-toothed; upper glume 3–9-veined, apex acute or 2-toothed, with or without an awn-point; lower floret male or sterile, lemma and palea well developed, hyaline; upper lemma lanceolate-oblong, hyaline, entire or minutely 2-toothed, awned; awn weakly geniculate; upper palea broadly ovate, glabrous or apex long ciliate. Stamens 3.

Two species: Afghanistan and India to China and Philippines; one species in China.

Lower Taxon


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