56. Faberia Hemsley, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 23: 479. 1888.
花佩菊属 hua pei ju shu
Authors: Zhu Shi & Norbert Kilian
Faberiopsis C. Shih & Y. L. Chen.
Herbs, perennial, often rosulate, with rhizomes. Stem leafy or ± leafless. Leaves lyrately pinnate or undivided, leathery. Capitula with 5-30 florets. Involucre ± narrowly cylindric to ± narrowly campanulate. Phyllaries mostly glabrous; outer phyllaries in several series, gradually longer centripetally, often conspicuously imbricate, longest ca. 1/2 as long as inner ones; inner phyllaries 5-14, ± equal in length, ± linear-lanceolate to linear. Receptacle naked. Florets reddish to bluish purple. Achene brown to reddish brown, subcylindric to narrowly ellipsoid, rather weakly compressed, with 5 main ribs and 1 or 2 narrower ribs in between, apex truncate. Pappus brownish, single, of strong scabrid bristles.
● Seven species: China.
Systematic placement and circumscription of the genus have been revised based on molecular phylogenetic analyses of subtribes Lactucinae and Crepidinae (J. W. Zhang & N. Kilian, in prep.; N. Kilian et al., in prep.). N. Kilian et al. (in V. A. Funk et al., Syst. Evol. Biogeogr. Compositae, 348-350. 2009) placed Faberia in subtribe Crepidinae, but now ITS phylogenies show it on a very basal branch in subtribe Lactucinae. Recent additions to the genus by Sennikov (Komarovia 5: 109-110. 2008) are based on a different genus concept and are, as far as relevant for the flora of China, not supported. Karyological studies (Y. Liu, T. Deng & Q. E. Yang, pers. comm.) have revealed that the four species investigated have the unusual basic chromosome number of x = 17, perhaps indicating a hybrid origin of this genus.
Prenanthes glandulosa Dunn (J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 35: 514. 1903), which was initially placed by the first author in Notoseris (N. glandulosa (Dunn) C. Shih), is only known from the holotype at K, a piece of a flowering plant raised from seeds collected in "West China." It seems to be a distinct species, perhaps referable to Faberia, as may be assumed from the involucre (purplish, inner phyllaries ca. 6, outer ones linear as in F. lancifolia), the 10-12 blue (or purple?) florets, and the pale straw-colored pappus. The lower leaves have a broadly ovate blade with cordate base and a distinct, basally sheathlike widened and clasping petiole. The axes of the paniculiform to corymbiform synflorescence are densely glandular hairy, a feature otherwise not known from Faberia.