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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 9 | Rosaceae

27. FILIPENDULA Miller, Gard. Dict. Abr., ed. 4. [512]. 1754.

蚊子草属 wen zi cao shu

Li Chaoluan (Li Chao-luang); Hiroshi Ikeda, Hideaki Ohba

Herbs perennial, rhizomatous. Rhizome short, oblique, here and there thickened into tubers, clothed with fibers. Stipules large or small, subcordate to ovate-lanceolate; leaf blade pinnate; leaflets pinnately or palmately lobed. Inflorescence corymbose-cymose or paniculate-cymose; central branch shortened and flowering first. Flowers bisexual, rarely unisexual (when plants dioecious). Sepals 5, reflexed after flowering. Petals 5, imbricate, white, pink, or red, base clawed. Stamens 20–40. Carpels 5–15, inserted on plane or slightly elevated receptacle, free; ovules 1 or 2; style terminal; stigma capitate. Fruit an achene, free, compressed, crowned by base of style. Seed pendulous, terete, with very little endosperm. x = 7, 8.

More than ten species: mainly in N temperate zone; seven species (one endemic) in China.

The fruit of Filipendula has been described as an indehiscent follicle. It is described here as an achene because it is indehiscent, as opposed to a typical, dehiscent follicle. In fact, it may be intermediate between an achene and a follicle.

1 Achenes attached to receptacle adaxially near base, spirally contorted and appearing united; terminal leaflets 3–5-lobed.   7 F. ulmaria
+ Achenes attached to receptacle at base, not contorted, obviously free; terminal leaflets 5–9-lobed.   (2)
2 (1) Terminal leaflets with linear to lanceolate lobes.   (3)
+ Terminal leaflets with ovate or lanceolate to rhombic-ovate or rhombic-lanceolate lobes.   (4)
3 (2) Leaf blades abaxially white tomentose; pedicels distally densely pubescent; sepals distally densely pubescent; achenes shortly stipitate, bristly-hairy at margin.   5 F. ×intermedia
+ Leaf blades abaxially glabrous; pedicels glabrescent or pilose; sepals distally glabrous; achenes sessile, glabrous, rarely hairy at margin.   6 F. angustiloba
4 (2) Lateral leaflets of radical and lower cauline leaves 3–5-parted, terminal leaflet with lanceolate to rhombic-lanceolate lobes.   1 F. palmata
+ Lateral leaflets of radical and lower cauline leaves entire or only slightly lobed, terminal leaflet with ovate to rhombic-ovate lobes.   (5)
5 (4) Leaf blade abaxially densely white or brownish tomentose, appressed ferrugineous pilose on veins.   2 F. vestita
+ Leaf blade abaxially glabrescent or sparsely pilose on veins.   (6)
6 (5) Lateral leaflets of radical leaves in 6–8 pairs; stipules of cauline leaves oblong to ovate, large, margin serrate.   3 F. kiraishiensis
+ Lateral leaflets of radical leaves in 1–3 pairs; stipules of cauline leaves ovate-lanceolate, small, margin entire or few serrate.   4 F. glaberrima

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