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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 11 | Icacinaceae

2. Gomphandra Wallich ex Lindley, Nat. Syst. Bot., ed. 2. 439. 1836.

粗丝木属 cu si mu shu

Trees or shrubs. Leaves alternate, entire. Flowers small, unisexual (plants dioecious), in di- or trichotomous cymes, axillary, terminal, or opposite leaves; staminate cymes many flowered; pistillate cymes few flowered; bracts small. Sepals united in a 4- or 5-lobed cup. Petals 4 or 5, cohering in a short tube, valvate. Staminate flowers with stamens 4 or 5; filaments fleshy, clavate, 2 or 3 × as long as anthers, pilose, rarely glabrous, free from corolla tube. Disk pulvinate, coherent with ovary or reduced ovary. Pistillate flowers with stamens undeveloped or without pollen; disk often absent; ovary terete or obovoid; stigma capitate or discoid, sometimes 2- or 3-lobed, sessile. Drupe usually with persistent stigma at apex.

About 33 species: tropical Asia to NE Australia; three species in China.

Gomphandra, traditionally in the Icacinaceae, is resolved as one of the five genera contained in a strongly supported clade based on ndhF, rbcL, atpB, and 18S rDNA genes, which led to the establishment of a new family, Stemonuraceae (Kårehed, Amer. J. Bot. 88: 2259-2274. 2001).

1 Leaf blade abaxially persistently velutinous or tomentose.   1 G. mollis
+ Leaf blade densely or sparsely yellow pubescent, glabrescent, or glabrous from beginning   (2)
2 (1) Leaf blade narrowly lanceolate or narrowly or broadly elliptic, glabrescent.   2 G. tetrandra
+ Leaf blade obovate-elliptic, glabrous from beginning.   3 G. luzoniensis

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