239. Gymnocoronis Candolle, Prodr. 5: 106. 1836.
裸冠菊属 luo guan ju shu
Herbs, annual to perennial, erect. Leaf blade lanceolate to ovate or deltate. Synflorescence strongly cymose. Phyllaries 20-50, 2-seriate, equal to subequal; receptacle with discrete oval scars and with soft tissue in between. Florets 50-200; corollas white, narrowly funnelform, with shortly stalked glands on outer surface; lobes as wide as long to wider than long; antheropodium slightly enlarged; anther appendages small, wider than long; style branches very broadly oar-shaped, mammillate abaxially, smooth adaxially. Achenes slightly curved, prismatic, (4 or)5-ribbed, glandular between ribs, ribs sometimes corky; carpopodium broadly cylindric; pappus absent.
Five species: Mexico and South America, one species recently naturalized in Japan and China; one species (introduced) in China.
See King and Robinson’s Studies in the Eupatorieae (Phytologia 29: 1-20. 1974). The occurrence of this genus in China was reported by T. G. Gao and Yan Liu (Acta Phytotax. Sin. 45: 329-332. 2007). Its occurrence in Japan was reported by C. Suyama (J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 49: 183-184. 2001).
Lower Taxon
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