159. Handelia Heimerl, Oesterr. Bot. Z. 71: 215. 1922.
天山蓍属 tian shan shi shu
Authors: Zhu Shi, Christopher J. Humphries & Michael G. Gilbert
Herbs, perennial; stems 1 to few, thick, with wide pith; indumentum of basifixed hairs. Basal leaves large, petiolate; stem leaves small, sessile, oblong, 3-pinnatisect. Synflorescences cymose, dense or lax, ± flat-topped. Capitula homogamous, discoid. Involucres hemispheric; phyllaries in 3 rows, oblong, scarious margins broad. Receptacle conical, paleate; palea narrowly oblong or oblanceolate, scarious. Florets yellow, bisexual; corolla tubular, apex 5-lobed, gland-dotted. Anther bases obtuse, apical appendage acute. Style branches claviform-oblong. Achenes small, cuneate, inconspicuously 5-ribbed adaxially, with abaxial rim. Corona absent.
One species: Afghanistan, China, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan.