69. Heteracia Fischer & C. A. Meyer, Index Sem. Hort. Petrop. 1: 29. 1835.
异喙菊属 yi hui ju shu
Authors: Zhu Shi & Norbert Kilian
Herbs, annual. Stem leaves sagittately clasping. Capitula solitary or few, terminal on or in axils of branches, with numerous florets. Involucre hemispheric in fruit. Phyllaries in 2 rows; outer phyllaries 2-5; inner phyllaries lanceolate. Receptacle naked. Florets yellow. Achene dimorphic; outer achenes with short stout beak; inner achenes with a long slender beak. Pappus absent in outer achenes and mostly present in inner achenes, white, of scabrid bristles.
One species: C and SW Asia, SE Europe.
Lower Taxon
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