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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 20-21 | Asteraceae

78. Hololeion Kitamura, Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 10: 301. 1941.

全光菊属 quan guang ju shu

Authors: Zhu Shi & Norbert Kilian

Herbs, perennial, ± glabrous, with rhizomes. Stems well developed, erect, leafy. Basal and stem leaves linear-lanceolate, grasslike. Synflorescence laxly paniculiform to corymbiform, with few to many capitula. Capitula erect; peduncle wiry, few to some cm. Involucre cylindric. Phyllaries glabrous; outer phyllaries in several series, gradually longer centripetally, longest ca. 1/2 as long as inner ones; inner phyllaries ± linear-lanceolate, ± equal in length. Receptacle naked. Florets yellow. Achene blackish brown and straw-colored mottled, subcylindric to weakly angular, with 5 weak main ribs, secondary ribs indistinct, base attenuate, apex truncate. Pappus straw-colored, of scabrid brittle bristles.

About three species: E Asia; one species in China.

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