6. Hylophila Lindley, Edwards’s Bot. Reg. 19: ad t. 1618. 1833.
袋唇兰属 dai chun lan shu
Authors: Xinqi Chen, Stephan W. Gale & Phillip J. Cribb
Dicerostylis Blume.
Herbs, terrestrial, occasionally lithophytic or rarely epiphytic. Rhizome long, creeping, fleshy; roots borne at rhizome nodes, fibrous. Stem erect or ascending, terete, leafy, glabrous. Leaves ovate-elliptic, with a long petiole-like base dilating into a tubular, amplexicaul sheath. Inflorescence erect, terminal, densely racemose, pubescent; peduncle with a few sheathing bracts; floral bracts ca. as long as ovary, pubescent. Flowers resupinate, not opening widely; ovary twisted, cylindric-fusiform, pubescent. Outer surfaces of sepals pubescent; lateral sepals free, oblique, embracing base and sides of lip. Petals connivent with dorsal sepal and forming a hood, glabrous; lip 2-partite; hypochile a dilated, globose sac, sometimes containing 2 erect, digitate calli on each side; epichile narrowly linear to ovate, sulcate to canaliculate. Column stout, sometimes with a short V-shaped appendage below stigma; anther lanceolate, 2-locular; pollinia 2, granular-farinaceous, sectile, with a long caudicle attached to a solitary, elongate viscidium; rostellum erect, remnant deeply bifid; stigma lobes confluent, slightly raised.
About ten species: SE Asia to New Guinea and the Solomon Islands; one species (endemic) in China.