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28. Indocalamus Nakai, J. Arnold Arbor. 6: 148. 1925.

箬竹属 ruo zhu shu

Authors: Zheng-ping Wang & Chris Stapleton

Shrubby bamboos. Rhizomes leptomorph, with running underground stems. Culms pluricaespitose, nodding; internodes usually terete, usually with a dense, persistent, apical, yellow-brown tomentose to setaceous ring below nodes, rarely apically glabrous; wall thick; nodes usually flat, sometimes prominent. Branches usually solitary, nearly as thick as culms. Culm sheaths persistent, usually shorter than internodes, papery or nearly leathery; auricles usually developed; blade usually recurved, lanceolate. Leaf sheaths cylindrical, very thick, smooth. Leaves usually large relative to culm size, transverse veins distinct. Inflorescence largely ebracteate, terminal, a raceme or open panicle; branches usually subtended by tiny bracts. Spikelets several to many flowered, pedicellate. Rachilla articulate. Glumes 2 or 3, ovate or lanceolate; lemma oblong or lanceolate, nearly leathery; palea 2-keeled, shorter than lemma; lodicules 3. Stamens 3, long exserted; anthers yellow. Ovary ovoid; style 1, short; stigmas usually 2 (3 in I. wilsonii), plumose. Caryopsis dark brown at maturity. 2n = 48.

At least 23 species: mainly China, one species in Japan; 22 species (all endemic) in China.

The culms are used for making chopsticks and penholders, and the leaves are used for weaving bamboo hats and wrapping glutinous rice.

Indocalamus amplexicaulis W. T. Lin (J. S. China Agric. Univ. 13(2): 86. 1992) was described from Guangdong.

Indocalamus chebalingensis W. T. Lin (J. Bamboo Res. 19(1): 6. 2000) was described from sterile material from Guangdong (Shixing). In the protologue it was compared with I. longiauritus.

Indocalamus confertus C. H. Hu (J. Bamboo Res. 15(1): 1. 1996) was described from Sichuan.

Indocalamus cordatus T. H. Wen & Y. Zou (J. Bamboo Res. 10(1): 18. 1991) was described from Jiangxi.

Indocalamus macrophyllus C. F. Huang (Wuyi Sci. J. 8: 171. 1991) was described from Fujian (Wuyi Shan).

Indocalamus pumilus Q. H. Dai & C. F. Huang (Acta Phytotax. Sin. 24: 394. 1986) was described from a cultivated plant in the Guangxi Institute of Forestry Bamboo Garden in Nanning, Guangxi.

Indocalamus suichuanensis T. P. Yi & Y. H. Guo (J. Bamboo Res. 14(1): 14. 1995) was described from Jiangxi.

Indocalamus youxiuensis T. P. Yi (J. Bamboo Res. 11(3): 53. 1992) was described from Sichuan.

1 Blade of mid-culm sheaths large, triangular or ovate-lanceolate, erect, appressed, base ± amplexicaul, rounded to cordate or if blade narrower and spreading to reflexed, culms with glossy internodes and flat nodes   (2)
+ Blade of mid-culm sheaths small, narrow, ascendant to reflexed, rarely erect, base not amplexicaul, broad or cuneate   (8)
2 (1) Culms without any tomentose rings below nodes; nodes flat   (3)
+ Culms with a white or brown tomentose ring at each node; nodes ± elevated   (5)
3 (2) Culm sheaths sparsely pale strigose; blade usually spreading, deciduous.   1 I. sinicus
+ Culm sheaths not strigose; blade erect   (4)
4 (3) Leaf blade abaxially glabrous.   2 I. herklotsii
+ Leaf blade abaxially pubescent, densely so along midrib.   3 I. tongchunensis
5 (2) Culm sheaths without auricles; oral setae erect, usually 1.5–3 cm.   4 I. pseudosinicus
+ Culm sheaths with well-developed auricles; oral setae usually radiate, less than 1.5(–2) cm   (6)
6 (5) Culm sheath blade ovate-lanceolate, base cuneate-rounded; sheath auricles 0.6–2 cm.   6 I. longiauritus
+ Culm sheath blade broadly triangular to ovate-oblong, base broadly or truncately rounded or cordate; sheath auricles ca. 0.5 cm   (7)
7 (6) Culm sheaths dark brown strigose, base glabrous.   5 I. guangdongensis
+ Culm sheaths glabrous or sparsely brown strigose, base setose.   7 I. decorus
8 (1) Culm sheath auricles well developed   (9)
+ Culm sheath auricles absent or minute   (13)
9 (8) Leaf blade tessellations square or transversely rectangular   (10)
+ Leaf blade tessellations longitudinally rectangular   (11)
10 (9) Culm sheath ligule 2–2.5 mm; leaf sheath ligule fimbriate.   11 I. quadratus
+ Culm sheath ligule ca. 1 mm; leaf sheath ligule entire.   12 I. hunanensis
11 (9) Culm sheaths brown, with straw-colored spots of various sizes when dry; leaf blade basally narrowly cuneate.   10 I. emeiensis
+ Culm sheaths deep straw-colored without spots when dry; leaf blade basally rounded, rarely cuneate   (12)
12 (11) Culm sheath auricles with 2 or more rows of oral setae; ligule 0.5–1 mm.   8 I. barbatus
+ Culm sheath auricles fringed with 1 row of oral setae; ligule 2–3 mm.   9 I. hirsutissimus
13 (8) Culm sheaths inflated, loosely enclosing culm   (14)
+ Culm sheaths not inflated, closely enclosing culm   (15)
14 (13) Culm sheaths nearly leathery; leaf blade abaxially densely hairy along midrib.   16 I. tessellatus
+ Culm sheaths more papery; leaf blade not abaxially hairy along midrib.   17 I. latifolius
15 (13) Culms less than 0.5 m   (16)
+ Culms more than 1 m   (17)
16 (15) Leaf ligule ca. 0.5 mm; leaf blade not undulate; branch sheath straw-colored when dry.   21 I. pedalis
+ Leaf ligule 2.5–9 mm; leaf blade undulate; branch sheath orange-red when dry.   22 I. wilsonii
17 (15) Culms strigose or with imprints of fallen hairs, especially below nodes   (18)
+ Culms not strigose and without imprints of fallen hairs, sometimes pubescent   (20)
18 (17) Culm sheaths with long, retrorse, white hairs.   13 I. chishuiensis
+ Culm sheaths with shorter, brown hairs   (19)
19 (18) Leaf blade abaxially puberulent; leaf ligule 1.5–3 mm.   14 I. hispidus
+ Leaf blade abaxially glabrous; leaf ligule (2–)4–8 mm.   15 I. bashanensis
20 (17) Culm sheath longer than internode.   18 I. hirtivaginatus
+ Culm sheath much shorter than internode   (21)
21 (20) Internodes 25–33 cm, densely pubescent; leaf blade 3.5–6.5 cm wide.   19 I. inaequilaterus
+ Internodes to 26 cm, glabrous; leaf blade 2.5–4 cm wide.   20 I. victorialis

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