166. Lens Miller, Gard. Dict. Abr., ed. 4. [765]. 1754.
兵豆属 bing dou shu
Authors: Bojian Bao & Nicholas J. Turland
Herbs annual. Stem erect or procumbent. Leaves paripinnate with rachis terminating in a tendril or mucro; stipules obliquely lanceolate; leaflets 2- to many paired, obovate, obovate-oblong, or obovate-lanceolate, margin entire. Inflorescence a 1- to many-flowered raceme. Flowers small. Calyx deeply divided into equal teeth at least 2 × as long as tube. Corolla white or otherwise colored; standard obovate; wings and keel with claw and auricle. Stamens diadelphous; staminal tube oblique at apex; filaments filiform. Ovary shortly stalked or subsessile; style dorsally compressed, pubescent on upper side. Legume short, strongly compressed. Seeds 1 or 2, brown, lenticular.
Four to six species: Mediterranean region to C Asia, extending to the Canary islands and tropical Africa: one species (introduced) in China.
Lower Taxon
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