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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 17 | Lamiaceae

70. Lycopus Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 21. 1753.

地笋属 di sun shu

Herbs perennial, usually with enlarged rhizomes. Leaves dentate or pinnatifid. Verticillasters sessile, many flowered, subtended by minute bracteoles; floral leaves similar to stem leaves, gradually reduced upward; outer bracteoles equal to longer than calyx. Flowers sessile. Calyx campanulate, ± regular, glabrous inside; teeth 4 or 5, equal or 1 larger. Corolla campanulate, 2-lipped, throat intricately villous; upper lip entire or emarginate; lower lip 3-lobed, middle lobe larger than lateral lobes. Anterior stamens fertile, slightly exserted, straight, posterior 2 rudimentary or filiform, apex clavate or capitate; filaments glabrous; anther cells 2, parallel, becoming divergent. Style exserted, apex 2-cleft; lobes flattened, acute, equal or posterior smaller. Nutlets brown, dorsiventrally flattened, ± adaxially ribbed, glabrous or adaxially glandular, base cuneate, margin thickened, apex truncate.

About 10 species: E Hemisphere, North America; four species in China.

1 Calyx teeth apex acute; nutlets longer than calyx   1 Lycopus parviflorus
+ Calyx teeth apex spinescent; nutlets shorter than calyx.   (2)
2 (1) Leaves shorter to slightly longer than internodes, remotely undulate-dentate above base   4 Lycopus cavaleriei
+ Leaves much longer than internodes, not undulate-dentate.   (3)
3 (2) Stem leaves coarsely dentate-serrate or lower ones ± pinnatifid, middle leaves remotely serrate, upper leaves entire   2 Lycopus lucidus
+ Lower and middle stem leaves pinnatifid on margin basally, coarsely dentate on margin apically, upper leaves mostly coarse dentate   3 Lycopus europaeus

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