7. Mammea Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 512. 1753.
格脉树属 ge mai shu shu
Authors: Xi-wen Li, Jie Li & Peter Stevens
Ochrocarpos Noronha ex Thouars.
Trees, cryptically dioecious. Apical bud not abortive; buds with scales. Leaves opposite, petiolate, entire, leathery; secondary veins many, nearly parallel, nearly perpendicular to midvein, tertiary venation densely and evenly reticulate, prominent, with translucent gland dots [or streaks] in areoles. Flowers axillary on older twigs, solitary [or fasciculate]. Calyx completely united in bud, splitting at anthesis into 2[or 3] sepals after. Petals [4 or 5 or]6[or 8], imbricate. Filaments slender, basally connate; anthers erect, basifixed. Ovary 2-loculed, each locule 2-ovuled [or incompletely 4- or 8-loculed, each locule 1-ovuled]; style very short; stigma 2[-4]-lobed. Berry with [thick or] thin exocarp, fleshy mesocarp and 1-4[-8] seeds with testa thin [to fibrous or woody]. Seeds large; embryo with broad fleshy cotyledons completely united externally or not.
About 80 species: mainly in tropical Asia and Madagascar, also in tropical Africa, Australasia, and Central America; one species (endemic) in China.
The plants appear to be androdioecious, but the apparently perfect flowers are in fact carpellate.