Sinodielsia H. Wolff.
Herbs perennial, essentially glabrous (scabrescent around nodes and at ends of peduncles and rays). Stem erect, branched above, striate. Leaves petiolate, sheathing; blade broadly deltoid, 3-pinnate/pinnatifid; pinnae 4–9 pairs, leaflets deeply pinnate-lobed, serrate. Umbels compound, terminal and lateral, large; terminal peduncle long and thick; bracts 1–3 or 0; rays many, unequal, quadrangular, scabrid at the angles; bracteoles many, narrow; umbellules many-flowered. Flowers polygamous. Calyx teeth large, conspicuous, lanceolate-subulate. Petals obovate, white, medial rib yellow, apex narrow inflexed, base clawed. Stylopodium conic, about equaling the calyx teeth; styles recurved. Fruit narrowly ovoid, tapering toward the apex, slightly flattened laterally, glabrous; ribs filiform; vittae 2–3 in each furrow, 4 on commissure. Seed face concave. Carpophore 2-parted.
Three species: Sino-Himalayan region; two species (one endemic) in China.
The classification of Meeboldia, Tongoloa, and Vicatia is problematic; see Tongoloa for a discussion of the issues.