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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 2-3 | Dennstaedtiaceae

1. Monachosorum Kunze, Bot. Zeitung (Berlin). 6: 119. 1848.

稀子蕨属 xi zi jue shu

Authors: Zhang Xianchun & Hans P. Nooteboom

Monachosorella Hayata; Ptilopteris Hance.

Rhizome shortly creeping or ascending, dictyostelic, clothed with minute, few-celled, cylindrical, glandular hairs, these hairs also on foliar parts; scales absent. Fronds 1-4-pinnate-pinnatifid, dark green to black, thinly herbaceous; rachis gemmiferous at tip, or bearing 1(-3) axillary buds on upper parts; buds large, consisting of a small rosette of fingerlike trophopods; veins free, ending well behind margin. Sori terminal or nearly so, small, orbicular, exindusiate; sporangia mixed with glandular paraphyses. Spores trilete, tetrahedral-globose, with prominent angles, irregularly tuberculate. n = 56.

Six species: from the C Himalaya east to Japan and south to Java and New Guinea; three species in China.

Recent molecular phylogenetic studies indicate that Monachosoraceae are nested within Dennstaedtiaceae.

The chromosome number of Monachosorum maximowiczii with 2n = 112 is diploid, M. subdigitatum (Blume) Kuhn with 2n = 224 is tetraploid, M. flagellare with 2n = 336 is hexaploid, and M. arakii Tagawa with 2n = 336 is hexaploid and with irregular meiosis. A chromosome count for M. henryi is needed.

1 Fronds pinnate; rachis elongate and bearing buds at apex.   1 M. maximowiczii
+ Fronds 2- or 3-pinnate   (2)
2 (1) Fronds 2-pinnate; rachis elongate and bearing buds at apex.   2 M. flagellare
+ Fronds 3-pinnate; large gemmae 1 to several at middle of rachis or sometimes also on pinna costa, rarely gemmae absent.   3 M. henryi

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