1. Nephrolepis Schott, Gen. Fil. t. 3. 1834.
肾蕨属 shen jue shu
Lepidoneuron Fée.
Plants terrestrial or epiphytic. Rhizome erect, short, dictyostelic, producing long wiry stolons and sometimes tubers giving rise to new plants. Stipe tufted; lamina pinnate; pinnae sessile, articulate to rachis, lanceolate or falcate, base usually asymmetrical, often auriculate on upper side, margin crenate. Sori orbicular, terminal on a veinlet; indusia orbicular-reniform, often with a narrow sinus or lunulate, with broad sinus. x = 41.
About 20 species: most tropical regions of the world; five species (one introduced) in China.
1 |
Fronds 1-1.5 cm wide; lamina elliptic or flabellate, ca. 5 mm. |
1 N. duffii |
+ |
Fronds more than 4 cm wide; lamina lanceolate or falcate, more than 2 cm |
(2) |
2 (1) |
Fronds usually pendulous; middle pinnae falcate. |
2 N. falciformis |
+ |
Fronds erect; middle pinnae lanceolate |
(3) |
3 (2) |
Sori lunulate, with broad sinus; middle pinnae 2-3 cm. |
5 N. cordifolia |
+ |
Sori orbicular-reniform with narrow sinus; middle pinnae 4-8 cm |
(4) |
4 (3) |
Sori not close to edge of pinnae (borne between margin and costa); upper base of pinnae not or hardly auriculate. |
3 N. biserrata |
+ |
Sori near edge of pinnae; upper base of pinnae auriculate. |
4 N. brownii |
Lower Taxa
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