1. Paradavallodes Ching, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 11: 18. 1966.
假钻毛蕨属 jia zuan mao jue shu
Plants small to moderate-sized, growing on moss-covered rocks or old trunks. Rhizome long creeping, densely scaly; scales brown, peltate and lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, membranous. Fronds remote; stipe articulate to rhizome, glabrous or slightly to densely scaly; lamina tripinnatifid, broadly lanceolate to elliptic-lanceolate, papery, decurrent at base; rachis and sometimes both surfaces of lamina with gray pubescence. Veins forked. Sori submarginal, small, terminal on veinlet; indusium small, semicircular to reniform, attached at base; spores narrowly elliptic, without perispore. n = 10, (40).
Three species: W and SW China, N India, Myanmar, Nepal, N Vietnam; three species (one endemic) in China.
1 |
Pinnae with obvious petiolule; rachis with ovate, large scales abaxially; indusium reniform, base cordate, always deciduous when mature. |
1 P. multidentata |
+ |
Pinnae subsessile; rachis without scales abaxially; indusium semicircular, base rounded-truncate, persistent |
(2) |
2 (1) |
Lamina thinly papery, densely covered with gray pubescence on both surfaces; rhizome scales with thin, pale border. |
2 P. membranulosa |
+ |
Lamina thickly papery, covered with gray pubescence only on rachis; rhizome scales rufous on margin. |
3 P. chingiae |
Lower Taxa
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