14. Philoxerus R. Brown, Prodr. 416. 1810.
安旱苋属 an han xian shu
Herbs creeping, glabrous or slightly tomentose. Leaves opposite, margin entire. Flowers perfect, densely clustered in heads. Heads terminal or axillary, globose or terete. Bracts papery; bracteoles keeled, without distal crest. Tepals 5, with short claw at base. Stamens 5; filaments subulate, connate into a cup at base, lateral appendages absent, pseudostaminodes absent; anthers 1-loculed. Ovary ovoid, compressed; style very short; stigma 2-parted; ovule 1, pendulous. Seeds shiny, lenticular.
About 15 species: W Africa, E Asia, E North and South America, Pacific Islands; one species in China.
Lower Taxon
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