2. Phlegmariurus (Herter) Holub, Preslia. 36: 17, 21. 1964.
马尾杉属 ma wei shan shu
Lycopodium sect. Phlegmariurus Herter, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 43(1, Beibl. 98): 30. 1909.
Plants epiphytic, medium-sized. Mature stem pendulous or ascending, 15-100 cm, multiple times dichotomously branched, upper portion of stem and branchlets often without bulbils. Leaves lustrous or not lustrous, lanceolate, ovate, or scalelike, leathery or thinly leathery, margin entire. Strobili abruptly becoming much smaller than sterile branches or branchlets or rarely similar in size. Sporophylls and trophophylls dimorphic or almost homomorphic. Sporangia in axils of sporophylls of upper portion of stem or branchlets, reniform, dehiscing from 2 valves. Spore sides at equator concave with acute or blunt angles.
About 250 species: tropics extending to subtropics; 22 species (eight endemic) in three sections in China.
1 |
Mature branches pendulous; branches and leaves cordlike, 2-5 mm in diam.; leaves up to 8 mm, ca. 4 mm wide, hard, imbricate, raised abaxially and/or keeled. |
3 P. sect. Carinaturus |
+ |
Mature branches pendulous or suberect; branches and leaves flat or nearly flat; leaves normally larger, flat abaxially |
(2) |
2 (1) |
Mature branches pendulous; leaves dimorphic, strobili linear. |
1 P. sect. Phlegmariurus |
+ |
Mature branches suberect; sporophylls homomorphic with trophophylls or gradually smaller toward rachis apex, strobili not linear. |
2 P. sect. Huperzioides |
List of lower taxa
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