22. Phymatosorus Pichi Sermolli, Webbia. 28: 457. 1973.
瘤蕨属 liu jue shu
Authors: Shugang Lu & Hans P. Nooteboom
Plants epiphytic or terrestrial. Rhizome long creeping, fleshy, scaly; scales brown, dark brown, or nearly black, orbicular, ovate, or ovate-lanceolate, usually thin, peltate, distinctly clathrate. Fronds remote, articulate to rhizome at base. Stipe usually straw-colored, scaly at base, glabrous upward. Lamina deeply pinnatipartite or pinnate, rarely simple, lobes broadly lanceolate, herbaceous or leathery, both surfaces glabrous, margin entire, apex acuminate or obtuse; veins anastomosing to form areoles with simple or forked included veinlets. Sori orbicular or oblong, in 1 row on each side of midrib or irregularly scattered on either side of midrib, superficial or sunken on abaxial surface and raised on adaxial surface, without paraphyses. Spores yellow, ellipsoid, surface shallowly and coarsely rugose. n = 36, 37; 2n = 72, 74.
About 13 species: Old World tropics, neophytes in tropical America; six species (one endemic) in China.