6. Piloselloides (Lessing) C. Jeffrey ex Cufodontis, Bull. Jard. Bot. Natl. Belg. 37(3, Suppl.): 1180. 1967.
兔耳一枝箭属 tu er yi zhi jian shu
Authors: Tiangang Gao & D. J. Nicholas Hind
Gerbera sect. Piloselloides Lessing, Linnaea 5: 296. 1830.
Herbs, perennial. Leaves rosulate; leaf blade obovate to oblong, entire. Synflorescence scapose, 1 to many per plant, ebracteate, expanded below capitula. Capitula terminal, radiate, heterogamous, chasmogamous; phyllaries 2-seriate; receptacles flat, alveolate, glabrous, epaleate. Florets all fertile, marginal 2-seriate, female, bilabiate, outer series with obvious limb, outer lip 3-denticulate at apex, inner shallowly 2-lobed, lobes filiform, coiled, inner female florets tubular, without obvious limb, outer lip 3-toothed at apex, inner deeply 2-lobed; central florets numerous, bisexual, bilabiate (tubular), outer lips 3-toothed at apex, inner deeply 2-lobed; anther bases long tailed, apex appendages truncate; styles shallowly divided at apex, style branches short, papillose. Achenes fusiform, long beaked, ribbed, finely bristly; pappus of fine bristles.
Two species: Africa, Asia, Australia; one species in China.