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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 20-21 | Asteraceae

91. Pseudelephantopus Rohr, Skr. Naturhist.-Selsk. 2(1): 214. 1792.

假地胆草属 jia di dan cao shu

Chaetospira S. F. Blake; Distreptus Cassini; Matamoria La Llave; Spirochaeta Turczaninow.

Herbs, perennial. Leaves alternate, basal leaves usually aggregated and rosulate, subsessile, entire or remotely serrate, pinnately veined. Synflorescence compound, spikelike, long, capitula in axillary clusters of 1-6, subtended by leaflike bracts. Involucre cylindric; phyllaries generally 8, in 4 decussate pairs, oblong, outer 2 shorter than inner. Receptacle small, naked. Florets: corolla white to bluish purple, tubular, lobes 5, slightly zygomorphic and pseudoligulate, more deeply cleft between 2 of inner lobes. Anthers apically rather short and obtuse, shortly hastate at base, obtusely auriculate. Style branches filiform, acute, hairy. Achenes obovoid, somewhat flattened, 10-ribbed, setose, often glandular between ribs. Pappus bristles flattened, scabrid-barbellate, some or all bent or curved. x = 11.

Two species: tropical Africa and America; one species (introduced) in China.

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