43. Schischkinia Iljin, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 38: 73. 1935.
白刺菊属 bai ci ju shu
Authors: Zhu Shi & Ludwig Martins
Herbs, dwarf, annual. Stem branched from base. Leaves undivided, margin with rigid white spines. Uppermost leaves concealing capitula. Capitula heterogamous, clustered. Phyllaries imbricate, herbaceous. Receptacle with setae few, rather short. Florets few; outer florets sterile; inner florets bisexual. Corolla yellow or pink, of even thickness, not divided into tube and limb. Style branches short. Achene with a denticulate rim at apex. Pappus elements of two types; outer pappus of scabrid bristles; inner pappus of an annulus bearing 1 rigid basally widened bristle.
One species: Afghanistan, China, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan; SW Asia.
Lower Taxon
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