1 |
Verticillasters 2-6-flowered, without bracts, inserted on all parts of stem and branches; calyx with 5 subequal teeth, not 2-lipped; posterior sinus of corolla narrow so that the corolla appears inconspicuously 1-lipped. |
(2) |
+ |
Verticillasters 2-flowered, bracteate, in terminal false spikes; calyx ± 2-lipped; posterior sinus of corolla broad so that the corolla appears conspicuously 1-lipped. |
(3) |
2 (1) |
Plants lanate-villous, hairs 1-1.5 mm; basal leaves subsessile, rounded to broadly cuneate at base, 3-6-crenate to coarsely 3-6-serrate on each margin |
1 Teucrium scordium |
+ |
Plants densely lanate-villous, hairs to 2 mm; basal leaves sessile, auriculate-amplexicaul to rounded at base, 5-12-crenate on each margin |
2 Teucrium scordioides |
3 (1) |
Calyx 2-lipped; stamens much exserted, ca. 2 × as long as corolla tube. |
(4) |
+ |
Calyx inconspicuously to conspicuously 2-lipped; stamens slightly exserted to much exserted, ca. 2 × as long as corolla tube. |
(6) |
4 (3) |
Leaves ovate-lanceolate, caudate-acuminate at apex, entire |
18 Teucrium integrifolium |
+ |
Leaves ovate, ovate-lanceolate, to lanceolate, coarsely serrate. |
(5) |
5 (4) |
Lower lip of calyx 2-toothed to base; posterior-lateral lobes of corolla limb obliquely triangular-ovate; plants densely, retrorsely white puberulent |
16 Teucrium pernyi |
+ |
Lower lip of calyx 2-toothed less than 1/3 its length; posterior-lateral lobes of corolla limb subcircular; plants subglabrous |
17 Teucrium bidentatum |
6 (3) |
Verticillasters in cylindric false spikes; calyx inconspicuously 2-lipped, throat glabrous inside; corolla tube slightly exserted; nutlets not netted. |
(7) |
+ |
Verticillasters in dorsiventrally flattened false spikes; calyx conspicuously 2-lipped, throat pilose annulate inside; corolla tube exserted more than 2 × longer than calyx tube; nutlets netted. |
(12) |
7 (6) |
Corolla 1 cm or less when open, tube ca. 1/2 as long to as long as limb, middle lobe of limb small, subcircular or circular; petiole ca. 1/4 as long as blade. |
(8) |
+ |
Corolla 1.1-1.5 cm when open, tube 1/3 to 1/2 as long as limb, middle lobe of limb largest, rhombic-obovate, subcircular, or obovate-orbicular; petiole ca. 1/5 as long as blade. |
(9) |
8 (7) |
Leaves circular to ovate-triangular; bracts 3-lobed; false spikes composed of widely spaced verticillasters |
3 Teucrium veronicoides |
+ |
Leaves ovate to ovate-oblong; bracts entire; false spikes composed of closely spaced verticillasters |
4 Teucrium viscidum |
9 (7) |
Calyx nearly 2-lipped, teeth with conspicuously netted veins; false spikes composed of 2-4-flowered verticillasters; leaves thick, adaxially ± corrugate; petiole and stems densely white lanate |
8 Teucrium ussuriense |
+ |
Calyx with 5 equal or subequal teeth, when subequal the lower 2 teeth as long as but narrower than upper 3, all inconspicuously veined; false spikes composed of 2-flowered verticillasters; leaves papery; petiole and stems variously hairy (white lanate only in T. japonicum var. tsungmingense). |
(10) |
10 (9) |
Stems spreading white or yellowish villous, hairs 1.5-3 mm. |
(11) |
+ |
Stems subglabrous or covered with small hooked hairs or white lanate but without spreading villous hairs |
5 Teucrium japonicum |
11 (10) |
Calyx densely villous outside |
7 Teucrium pilosum |
+ |
Calyx glabrous or pilose only on veins, when pilose calyx purplish |
6 Teucrium tsinlingense |
12 (6) |
False spikes terminal on apical 2/3 of stems and branches, in panicles; corolla limb projected at an obtuse angle to tube; stems covered with golden yellow, rusty brown, or purple villous or strigose hairs, hairs to 2.5 mm |
9 Teucrium quadrifarium |
+ |
False spikes terminal on stems and branches, composed of widely spaced verticillasters, not in panicles; corolla limb projected at a right angle to tube; stems covered with hairs not as above. |
(13) |
13 (12) |
Corolla 1.8-1.9 cm, limb as long as tube, tube ca. 2 × as long as calyx tube; leaves ovate-lanceolate, oblong-lanceolate, to ovate-oblong. |
(14) |
+ |
Corolla 1.2-1.6 cm, limb 1.5-2 × as long as tube, tube less than 2 × as long as calyx tube; leaves ovate to obovate, sometimes oblong or elliptic. |
(16) |
14 (13) |
Bracts ovate; stems covered with small, purple, hooked hairs; corolla tube ca. 8 × 1.2 mm, limb to 1.2 cm |
15 Teucrium labiosum |
+ |
Bracts ovate-lanceolate, lanceolate, to linear-lanceolate. |
(15) |
15 (14) |
Stems spreading villous; corolla tube ca. 9 mm, ca. 1.5 mm wide at middle; teeth of lower calyx lip subulate to caudate-acuminate at apex |
14 Teucrium simplex |
+ |
Stems subglabrous; corolla tube ca. 7 × 2 mm; teeth of lower calyx lip lanceolate, short acuminate at apex |
13 Teucrium omeiense |
16 (13) |
Bracts oblong-lanceolate to obovate-lanceolate; stems scabrid-villous; plants less than 25 cm |
10 Teucrium nanum |
+ |
Bracts oblong to subcircular; stems subglabrous or with small hooked hairs or villous; plants more than 35 cm. |
(17) |
17 (16) |
Stems slender and twisted; bracts oblong to subcircular; corolla limb nearly 2 × as long as tube; leaves ovate to obovate, 1.2-3.8 × 0.8-2.2 cm, apex rounded to obtuse; petiole 3-9 cm |
11 Teucrium anlungense |
+ |
Stems erect; bracts ovate; corolla limb slightly longer than tube; leaves ovate to oblong, 3-6(-11) × 1.5-4.5 cm, apex acute; petiole 1-2.5 cm |
12 Teucrium manghuaense |