1 |
Fruit exocarp leathery, dehiscent when dry. |
1 T. endochrysea |
+ |
Fruit exocarp woody or thickly leathery, indehiscent |
(2) |
2 (1) |
Exocarp thickly leathery, fragile; bract with stalk |
(3) |
+ |
Exocarp woody, hard; bract sessile or with short stalk, basal 1/3-1/2 adnate to peduncle |
(7) |
3 (2) |
Leaf blade 4-6 cm; fruit 5-angled |
(4) |
+ |
Leaf blade 5-10 cm; fruit not angled or only weakly so |
(5) |
4 (3) |
Cymes 5-8 cm; leaf blade apex usually 3-lobed; petaloid staminodes present; fruit obovoid. |
15 T. mongolica |
+ |
Cymes 3-5 cm; leaf blade apex usually not lobed; staminodes absent; fruit ovoid. |
16 T. amurensis |
5 (3) |
Ovary glabrous; cymes (20-)40-100-flowered, with bracteoles. |
19 T. jiaodongensis |
+ |
Ovary hairy; cymes 3-16-flowered, without bracteoles |
(6) |
6 (5) |
Leaf blade orbicular, brown when dry; fruit ovoid; sepals abaxially sparsely stellate hairy; pedicel 5-8 mm; bracts 3.5-6 cm. |
17 T. japonica |
+ |
Leaf blade ovate or ovate-triangular, greenish when dry; fruit obovoid; sepals abaxially glabrous; pedicel 10-15 mm; bracts 5-8.5 cm. |
18 T. paucicostata |
7 (2) |
Fruit not angled, apex rounded |
(8) |
+ |
Fruit prominently or weakly 5-angled, apex acute or obtuse |
(15) |
8 (7) |
Leaf blade margin entire or with a few teeth near apex. |
10 T. tuan |
+ |
Leaf blade prominently serrate |
(9) |
9 (8) |
Bracts with stalk 5-8 cm |
(10) |
+ |
Bracts usually sessile |
(12) |
10 (9) |
Leaf blade broadly ovate, abaxially hairy in vein axils only. |
13 T. chingiana |
+ |
Leaf blade ovate, suborbicular, or ovate-oblong, abaxially uniformly tomentose or puberulent |
(11) |
11 (10) |
Branchlets hairy; bracts 12-16 cm. |
10 T. tuan |
+ |
Branchlets glabrous; bracts 6-9 cm. |
7 T. likiangensis |
12 (9) |
Leaf blade submembranous, abaxially glabrous or hairy in axils of veins only. |
11 T. membranacea |
+ |
Leaf blade thicker, not membranous, abaxially uniformly hairy |
(13) |
13 (12) |
Leaf blade marginal teeth awnlike, 1.5-5 mm; bracts 3.5-9 cm. |
2 T. mandshurica |
+ |
Leaf blade marginal teeth smaller, not awnlike; bracts 8-12 cm |
(14) |
14 (13) |
Cymes 3-22-flowered; leaf blade base usually oblique. |
10 T. tuan |
+ |
Cymes 3-12-flowered; leaf blade base symmetrically cordate. |
12 T. miqueliana |
15 (7) |
Old leaves abaxially glabrous or hairy in axils of veins only; branchlets glabrous or rarely hairy when very young |
(16) |
+ |
Old leaves abaxially uniformly densely hairy; branchlets hairy or not |
(20) |
16 (15) |
Cymes 50-200-flowered. |
14 T. taishanensis |
+ |
Cymes 1-15-flowered |
(17) |
17 (16) |
Bract with stalk 0.4-2 cm |
(18) |
+ |
Bract sessile |
(19) |
18 (17) |
Leaf blade suborbicular, marginal teeth 3-5 mm; bracts 7-10 × 1-1.3 cm. |
3 T. henryana |
+ |
Leaf blade broadly ovate, marginal teeth small and dense; bracts 6-6.5 × 1.5-1.8 cm. |
8 T. callidonta |
19 (17) |
Leaf blade (5.5-)10-14(-17) cm; fruit weakly 5-angled. |
9 T. nobilis |
+ |
Leaf blade 5-10 cm; fruit prominently 5-angled. |
4 T. chinensis |
20 (15) |
Branchlets hairy |
(21) |
+ |
Branchlets glabrous |
(23) |
21 (20) |
Leaf blade marginal teeth less than 1.5 mm, lateral veins 7-9 pairs; fruit ovoid-globose. |
4 T. chinensis |
+ |
Leaf blade marginal teeth 1.5-5 mm, lateral veins 5-7 pairs; fruit globose or obovoid |
(22) |
22 (21) |
Branchlets and leaves yellow stellate tomentose; leaf blade orbicular, marginal teeth with long mucros 3-5 mm. |
3 T. henryana |
+ |
Branchlets and leaves gray stellate tomentose; leaf blade ovate-orbicular, marginal teeth triangular. |
2 T. mandshurica |
23 (20) |
Leaf blade marginal teeth 3-5 mm; bract stalk 0.7-2 cm. |
3 T. henryana |
+ |
Leaf blade marginal teeth less than 2 mm; bract stalk usually less than 5 mm |
(24) |
24 (23) |
Leaf blade broadly elliptic, abaxially tomentose; bracts sessile or subsessile |
(25) |
+ |
Leaf blade ovate-oblong or obliquely ovate, abaxially puberulent or puberulent; bracts stalked |
(26) |
25 (24) |
Cymes 1-3-flowered; petals 8-9 mm. |
4 T. chinensis |
+ |
Cymes 7-20-flowered; petals 6-7 mm. |
5 T. oliveri |
26 (24) |
Petiole glabrous, leaf margin deeply serrate, teeth extending into awns. |
6 T. kueichouensis |
+ |
Petiole stellate pubescent, leaf margin serrulate. |
7 T. likiangensis |