13. Triodanis Rafinesque, New Fl. N. Amer. 4: 67. 1838.
异檐花属 yi yan hua shu
Authors: Deyuan Hong & Thomas G. Lammers
Herbs, annual. Roots fibrous. Stems erect or ascending, simple or branched below, ribbed. Leaves alternate, sessile, ovate, elliptic, lanceolate, or linear, entire or dentate. Flowers 1-3(-8) in an axillary cyme, sessile or subsessile; cleistogamous flowers in axils of lower leaves; normal flowers in axils of middle to upper leaves. Calyx 3- or 4(-6)-lobed, with lobes shorter in cleistogamous flowers, 5(or 6)-lobed in normal flowers. Corolla blue-purple or pale purple, rarely white, rotate, 5(or 6)-fid nearly to base; lobes lanceolate, apex acute or acuminate. Stamens 5(or 6), free; filaments dilated at base; anthers elongate, longer than filaments. Ovary inferior, (2 or)3-locular; ovules numerous; style upright, but reduced in cleistogamous flowers; stigma (2 or)3-fid, densely puberulent. Capsule subcylindrical or clavate, (2 or)3-poricidal at inferior part. Seeds numerous, globose to broadly ellipsoid, slightly compressed.
Six species: the Americas; one species (introduced) in China.