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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 6 | Ranunculaceae

3. Trollius Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 556. 1753; Gen. Pl. ed. 5, 243; 1754.

金莲花属 jin lian hua shu

Li Liangqian; Michio Tamura

Trollius farreri

Credit: Harvard University Herbaria

Herbs perennial, glabrous, with fibrous roots. Leaves all basal, or basal and cauline, simple, palmately parted or sect. Flower solitary, terminal or few in a cyme. Sepals 5 to many, usually yellow, rarely purplish, obovate, petaloid, usually caducous, rarely persistent. Petals 5 to many, linear, shortly clawed and with nectary pit above base. Stamens numerous; anthers ellipsoid or oblong, filaments narrowly linear. Follicles 5 to many, with branching transverse veins and a persistent style. Seeds subglobose, smooth.

About 30 species: temperate to cold regions of the N hemisphere; 16 species (eight endemic) in China.

1 Sepals lilac-blue or pale blue, or white with blue veins, persistent   16 T. lilacinus
+ Sepals yellow, usually caducous, or rarely white inside and purplish outside, persistent.   (2)
2 (1) Leaves palmately parted.   (3)
+ Leaves palmately sect.   (7)
3 (2) Leaves all basal, or 1--3 inserted near base of stem.   (4)
+ Leaves both basal and cauline, cauline leaves 2--4, inserted at middle or above on stem.   (5)
4 (3) Leaf blade 3-parted, lobes indistinct, margin with teeth ovate or broadly ovate   4 T. pumilus
+ Leaf blade deeply 3-sect nearly to base, segments lobed, margin with teeth triangular or narrowly triangular   5 T. farreri
5 (3) Sepals 8--13   3 T. dschungaricus
+ Sepals 5.   (6)
6 (5) Sepals ± green when dried; petals broadly spatulate at apex; persistent style erect   1 T. yunnanensis
+ Sepals not green when dried; petals narrowed at apex; persistent style turning outside   2 T. buddae
7 (2) Petals longer than stamens, caducous.   (8)
+ Petals shorter than or subequaling stamens, usually persistent.   (11)
8 (7) Petals shorter than sepals.   (9)
+ Petals equaling or longer than sepals.   (10)
9 (8) Petals narrowly linear, 1--1.5(--1.8) mm wide, slightly spatulate   12 T. ledebourii
+ Petals spatulate-linear, broadened from base, broadest above middle, 2--3.5 mm wide   13 T. asiaticus
10 (8) Sepals (6--)10--15(--19); petals subequaling sepals; persistent style ca. 1 mm   14 T. chinensis
+ Sepals 5--7; petals usually longer than sepals; persistent style 3.5--4 mm   15 T. macropetalus
11 (7) Petals longer than filaments, subequaling stamens; flower solitary and terminal, or 2 or 3 flowers in a cyme.   (12)
+ Petals equaling filaments; flower solitary, terminal.   (13)
12 (11) Sepals 5--7; styles purplish   10 T. japonicus
+ Sepals 15--18; styles dark purple or black   11 T. altaicus
13 (11) Sepals ca. 6 mm, persistent   6 T. micranthus
+ Sepals 10--20 mm, caducous or persistent.   (14)
14 (13) Segments of leaves not separate; sepals ± green when dried   7 T. ranunculoides
+ Segments of leaves separate; sepals not green when dried.   (15)
15 (14) Basal leaves 4--6.5 cm wide; sepals not purplish outside, caducous   9 T. taihasenzanensis
+ Basal leaves 1--2.6(--4.5) cm wide; sepals purplish outside, usually persistent.   (16)
16 (15) Central segment 3-lobed to ± middle; carpels 6--9(--25)   5 T. farreri
+ Central segment 3-parted nearly to base; carpels 4--6   8 T. vaginatus

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