127. Uraria Desvaux, J. Bot. Agric. 1: 122. 1813.
狸尾豆属 li wei dou shu
Authors: Puhua Huang, Hiroyoshi Ohashi & Yu Iokawa
Subshrubs, shrubs, or perennial herbs. Leaves 1-foliolate or imparipinnately 3- or 5-9-foliolate, stipulate and stipellate. Racemes or panicles, terminal or axillary. Flowers numerous, dense, small. Bracts deciduous or persistent, imbricate, 2-flowered at each bract; bracteoles absent. Pedicel elongated after anthesis, apically hooked, rarely not curved. Calyx 5-lobed, lower 3 lobes usually longer, upper 2 lobes partly connate. Standard orbicular or broadly obovate, clawed, auriculate; wings adherent to keel, shortly clawed, auriculate; keel obtuse, slightly incurved, auriculate. Stamens diadelphous (9+1); anthers uniform. Ovary subsessile, 2-10-ovuled; style incurved, linear; stigma capitate. Legume small, jointed; articles 2-8, plicate or peltate, folded laterally or longitudinally, not dehiscent, with 1 seed per article.
About 20 species: mostly in tropical Africa, Asia, and Australia; seven species in China.
1 |
Leaves 5- or 7(or 9)-foliolate, sometimes mixed with (1-)3-foliolate leaves |
(2) |
+ |
Leaves 3-foliolate, often 1-foliolate on upper part of stem |
(3) |
2 (1) |
Leaflets linear to narrowly oblong, adaxially usually variegated on midvein, lateral veins looped with margin; pedicel 5-6 mm during anthesis, to 8 mm in fruit; lateral and lowest calyx lobes not elongate after anthesis, 2-3 mm; leaves (1-)3-foliolate on lower part of stem. |
1 U. picta |
+ |
Leaflets narrowly ovate to ovate, elliptic, or oblong, without variegated area, lateral veins extending to margin; pedicel 6-12 mm during anthesis, to 15 mm in fruit; lateral and lowest calyx lobes elongating to 5-6 mm after anthesis; leaves sometimes (1-)3-foliolate on upper part of stem. |
2 U. crinita |
3 (1) |
Inflorescences usually terminal panicles, with dense glandular hairs 1-2 mm on inflorescence rachis, pedicels, and calyx; legume shortly pubescent. |
5 U. lacei |
+ |
Inflorescences usually simple, sometimes with elongate branches but not paniculate, glandular hairs present or absent on inflorescence rachis, pedicels, and calyx; legume glabrous or pubescent |
(4) |
4 (3) |
Lateral and lowest calyx lobes more than 2 × as long as upper lobes; inflorescences usually 3-6 cm, densely flowered; bracts persistent, spreading at apex; leaflets usually orbicular to broadly ovate. |
3 U. lagopodioides |
+ |
Lateral and lowest calyx lobes less than 2 × as long as upper lobes; inflorescences usually longer than 6 cm, densely or loosely flowered; bracts deciduous or persistent, erect along inflorescence when persistent; leaflets oblong to ovate, rarely (in U. sinensis) broadly obovate or obcordate, apices truncate or emarginate |
(5) |
5 (4) |
Inflorescence rachis, pedicels, and calyx with dense, spreading glandular hairs 1-2 mm; legume glabrous; inflorescences densely flowered; bracts 9-18 mm. |
4 U. neglecta |
+ |
Inflorescence rachis, pedicels, and calyx without or with sparse glandular hairs 1-2 mm; legume shortly hairy; inflorescences ± loosely flowered; bracts usually shorter than 13 mm |
(6) |
6 (5) |
Apex of keel obtuse; pedicel 5-6 mm, recurved after anthesis; calyx lobes narrowly triangular, acuminate; legume minutely hairy; leaflets obtuse to acute or rarely rounded at apex. |
6 U. rufescens |
+ |
Apex of keel apiculate; pedicel to 13 mm, not recurved after anthesis; calyx lobes triangular to broadly ovate, acute; legume subglabrous with long glandular hairs; leaflets obtuse to truncate or emarginate at apex. |
7 U. sinensis |
Lower Taxa
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