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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 16 | Apocynaceae

29. Wrightia R. Brown, Mem. Wern. Nat. Hist. Soc. 1: 73. 1811.

倒吊笔属 dao diao bi shu

Trees or shrubs with latex. Leaves opposite, petiolate; glands axillary. Cymes terminal or subterminal, dichasial, few to many flowered. Sepals quincuncial, with 5-10, basal, scalelike glands inside. Corolla salverform, funnelform, subrotate, or rotate, tube cylindric to campanulate; lobes overlapping to left; corona ligulate, fringed, or cup-shaped, entire or subentire at apex, shallowly or deeply divided, sometimes absent. Stamens inserted at middle, apex, or rarely base of corolla tube; anthers sagittate, connivent and adherent to pistil head, exserted, spurred at base; disc absent. Ovaries 2, distinct or connate; ovules numerous in each locule. Style filiform; pistil head ovoid, usually dilated at base. Follicles 2, connate or divaricate. Seeds narrowly fusiform, with an apical coma directed toward fruit base, beakless.

About 23 species: tropical Africa, Asia, Australia; six species in China.

1 Shrubs; corona obsolete; seeds (excluding coma) ca. 0.8 cm   6 Wrightia religiosa
+ Trees; corona scales present; seeds (excluding coma) 1-2 cm.   (2)
2 (1) Leaves densely pubescent or tomentose abaxially.   (3)
+ Leaves glabrous or minutely pubescent abaxially along veins.   (4)
3 (2) Corona lobes much shorter than stamens, glabrous inside; fruit lenticellate, usually glabrous   1 Wrightia arborea
+ Corona lobes about as long as stamens, puberulent inside; fruit not lenticellate, usually minutely puberulent   2 Wrightia pubescens
4 (2) Ovaries and fruit connate.   (5)
+ Ovaries and fruit distinct.   (6)
5 (4) Apex of leaf blade short acuminate; corona with 10 scales, longer than anthers   2 Wrightia pubescens
+ Apex of leaf blade caudate-acuminate; corona cup-shaped, shorter than anthers   3 Wrightia coccinea
6 (4) Corolla funnelform, white; corona with 25-35 scales   4 Wrightia laevis
+ Corolla rotate or subrotate, yellowish; corona with 10 scales   5 Wrightia sikkimensis

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