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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 25 | Orchidaceae | Dendrobium

8. Dendrobium sect. Calcarifera J. J. Smith, Bull. Dépt. Agric. Indes Néerl. 15: 14. 1908.

长爪石斛组 chang zhao shi hu zu

Roots verrucose in most species. Stems often pendulous, slender or fusiform, leafy, semideciduous, often pseudoindeterminate (growing more than 1 year). Inflorescences multiple short lateral racemes borne on penultimate and older leafless canes, usually pendulous, in some species geotropic, flowers facing horizontally. Flowers medium-sized to rather large, opening widely, mostly purple, pink, or white. Pedicel inserted at a right angle to mentum. Mentum elongated and narrow, sometimes angled or curled, nectar copious in most species. Lip usually entire, expanded; disk with grooves, ridges, or rarely hairs; claw usually containing a small retrorse spur overhanging nectary. Pollinia usually light colored, shiny.

About 90 species: India to the Philippines, mostly in Indonesia and the Philippines; one species in China.


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