17. Bulbophyllum sect. Tripudianthes Seidenfaden, Dansk Bot. Ark. 33(3): 188. 1979.
双叶卷瓣兰组 shuang ye juan ban lan zu
Tripudianthes (Seidenfaden) Szlachetko & Kras.
Rhizome creeping, roots sprouting mainly below pseudobulbs, spreading; new shoots arising from basal node of pseudobulb. Pseudobulbs distinct, apex with 2 leaves. Leaves deciduous, thin. Inflorescences solitary, mostly arising near pseudobulbs, an elongate or somewhat contracted 2- to several-flowered raceme. Pedicel with basal node ± coinciding with attachment of subtending bract. Dorsal sepal with margins ± glabrous to erose or fimbriate, 3-veined; lateral sepals fused along their lower margins, 2-5 × as long as dorsal sepal, margins glabrous, 3-7-veined. Petals: margins fimbriate, 1-veined; lip: margins without auricles or distinct lateral lobes, margins glabrous to papillose or ciliate, adaxially partly papillose and hirsute. Column: stigma protruding at its base or not, foot short; anther: front margin projecting or not, abaxially with or without a low, rounded crest; pollinia 4, inner less than 1/2 as long as outer or longer, all without appendages.
Eleven provisionally accepted species: India to Indochina, Thailand, Java; two species in China.
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