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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 2-3 | Polypodiaceae | Neocheiropteris

1. Neocheiropteris palmatopedata (Baker) Christ, Bull. Soc. Bot. France. 52(Mém. 1): 21. 1905.

扇蕨 shan jue

Polypodium palmatopedatum Baker, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1898: 232. 1898; Cheiropteris henryi Christ; C. palmatopedata (Baker) Christ; Microsorum palmatopedatum (Baker) Nooteboom.

Rhizome creeping; scales slightly spreading, ovate or triangular, broadest below middle, 3-7 × 2-3 mm, clathrate or subclathrate, cells longitudinally rectangular, central region bearing multiseptate hairs at least when young, margin denticulate, apex acute. Fronds not or only slightly dimorphic; stipe 10-40 cm; lamina pedately dissected, reniform to suborbicular in outline, 12-30 × 20-40 cm, herbaceous, abaxial surface without acicular hairs, with short glandular hairs, base cuneate, margin entire or undulate, first connecting vein forming 1 row of small primary costal areoles parallel to costa, other (sometimes irregularly shaped) larger areoles in 1 row between 2 veins, dichotomously branched near margin, or below middle. Sori separate, 1 sorus in, or just outside, each primary costal areole, generally close to costa, at most halfway to margin, elongate, superficial or slightly sunken, solitary on a connective vein or on intersection of a vein and a connective vein, or just outside a connective vein, 3-8 mm.

● Rocky places in forests; 1500-2700 m. Guizhou, Sichuan, Yunnan.


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