96. Aconitum longipedicellatum Lauener, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh. 25: 21. 1963.
长梗乌头 chang geng wu tou
Caudex unknown. Stem to 80 cm tall, basally becoming glabrous, apically retrorse pubescent. Proximal cauline leaves long petiolate; petiole to 25 cm, distal leaves shortly petiolate; leaf blade cordate-pentagonal, ca. 10 × 10 cm, glabrous, 3-parted; central lobe rhombic, apex acute, 3-fid slightly beyond middle. Inflorescence conical, to 40 cm, many flowered; rachis and pedicels pubescent; proximal bracts leaflike. Pedicels erect upward, 3--9 cm, with 2 bracteoles at or near middle; proximal bracteoles leaflike, distal ones lanceolate or linear. Sepals blue-violet, abaxially pubescent; lower sepals ca. 1.4 cm; lateral sepals ca. 1.5 × 1.5 cm; upper sepal subgaleate, ca. 1.7 cm high, shortly beaked, 1.3--2 cm from base to beak, lower margin suberect. Petaline claw pubescent; spur incurved, globose, short. Stamens pubescent; filaments entire or 2-denticulate. Carpels 5, sericeous. Fl. Aug.
* Scrub; ca. 4300 m. SE Xizang.
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