14. Anemone umbrosa C. A. Meyer, Fl. Altaic. 2: 361. 1830.
阴地银莲花 yin di yin lian hua
Anemone extremiorientalis (Starodubtzev) Starodubtzev; A. umbrosa subsp. extremiorientalis Starodubtzev; Anemonoides extremiorientalis (Starodubtzev) Starodubtzev; A. umbrosa (C. A. Meyer) Holub.
Rhizome branched, prostrate or ascending, long, 1--1.5 mm in diam. Scalelike leaves 2 or 3. Leaf solitary; petiole 5--15 cm, puberulent or subglabrous; leaf blade ternate, pentagonal, 2--4 × 2--4 cm, appressed puberulent or glabrous; petiolules 1--2 mm; central leaflet 3-lobed, long ovate, base cordate to cuneate, margin serrulate, apex obtuse to acuminate; lateral leaflets unequally 2-lobed, ovate to orbicular, base narrowly cuneate, margin crenate to dentate. Scape 8--20(--30) cm, subglabrous or pilose; cyme 1-flowered. Involucral bract petiole 1--2(--3) cm × 1--2 mm, glabrous or pilose; bract blade ternate, similar to that of leaves, pentagonal to triangular, 2--4 × 3--5 cm, puberulent; segments subsessile, central one 3-lobed, rhombic, lateral ones unequally 2-lobed, obovate to elliptic. Pedicel 3.5--6 cm, puberulent or villous. Sepals 5, white, ovate to elliptic, 7--14 × 4--10 mm, sparsely puberulent, basal veins 5 or 6, vein anastomoses absent, rarely solitary, base narrowed, apex rounded or obtuse. Stamens 4--6 mm; filament filiform; anther cylindric to ellipsoid, connective narrow. Staminodes sometimes present, 2.5--4 mm. Ovary shortly stipitate, elongate, 1.7--2 mm, densely puberulent; style straight or slightly curved, conic; stigma thickened. Achene body ovoid, 2--4 × 1.5--2 mm, pilose, hairs ca. 0.2 mm; style straight or slightly curved, ca. 1 mm. Fl. May--Jun.
Grassy places in forests or on shady slopes; 200--500 m. Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning [N Korea, Russia (Far East)].