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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 7 | Lauraceae | Beilschmiedia

39. Beilschmiedia henghsienensis S. K. Lee & Y. T. Wei, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 17(2): 68. 1979.

横县琼楠 heng xian qiong nan

Trees. Branchlets subterete, striate, glabrous. Terminal buds ovoid, glabrous. Petiole 7-12 mm, glabrous; leaf blade abaxially greenish, adaxially shiny and dark green, elliptic or lanceolate-elliptic, 7-14 × 2-5 cm, thickly leathery, adaxially glabrous, midrib abaxially conspicuously elevated, adaxially impressed, lateral veins usually 10 pairs, obliquely ascendant, conspicuously elevated on both surfaces, reticulate veinlets conspicuous and tea-brown on both surfaces when dry, adaxially shiny, base attenuate-cuneate, always unequal on sides, apex shortly acuminate, oblique, acumen obtuse. Infructescences ca. 7 cm; peduncles not swollen at both ends. Fruits ellipsoid, ca. 2.8 × 1.6 cm, black when mature, glabrous, apiculate; fruiting pedicels ca. 1 cm × 3-4 mm, not swollen at both ends, glabrous. Fl. and fr. Jun.

● Forests. Guangxi (Hengxian).


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