7. Beilschmiedia laevis C. K. Allen, J. Arnold Arbor. 23: 446. 1942.
红枝琼楠 hong zhi qiong nan
Trees, up to 20 m tall. Bark gray-black or gray-brown. Branchlets green, robust, always sulcate, glabrous. Terminal buds ovoid, leathery, always gray-brown tomentulose or subglabrous. Leaves opposite or subopposite; petiole 1.5-3 cm; leaf blade abaxially green, adaxially shiny green, elliptic or broadly elliptic, 7-11(-15) × 4-6 cm, thickly leathery or leathery, chestnut-colored and glabrous on both surfaces when dry, midrib adaxially impressed, lateral veins 6-10 pairs but nearly always 7 pairs, veins laxly reticulate, robust, elevated on both surfaces, base broadly cuneate-decurrent, apex obtuse or shortly acuminate with an obtuse acumen. Inflorescences unknown. Infructescences subterminal. Fruits green when immature, dark brown when mature, ellipsoid or broadly ellipsoid, 1.7-2.6 × 1.2-2 cm, rotund at both ends, smooth and glabrous; fruiting pedicels robust, 1-3.5 cm × 3-6 mm. Fr. Feb-Dec.
Mountain slopes, dense valley forests; 500-900 m. Guangxi, Hainan [Vietnam].
The wood is hard and used for furniture, farm tools, and house construction.
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