30. Phoebe bournei (Hemsley) Yen C. Yang, J. W. China Border Res. Soc., ser. B. 15: 73. 1945.
闽楠 min nan
Machilus bournei Hemsley, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 26: 373. 1891; Persea bournei (Hemsley) Kostermans; Phoebe acuminata Merrill; P. blepharopus Handel-Mazzetti.
Large trees, 15-20 m; trunk straight, few branched. Bark gray-white when old, yellowish brown when young. Branchlets hairy or glabrate. Petiole 5-11(-20) mm; leaf blade lanceolate or oblanceolate, 7-13(-15) × 2-3(-4) cm, leathery, abaxially pubescent and patent villous along veins, adaxially shiny, midrib impressed adaxially, lateral veins 10-14 pairs, abaxially elevated, adaxially plane or impressed, veinlets numerous, dense, conspicuously foveolate abaxially, base attenuate or cuneate, apex acuminate or long acuminate. Panicles arising from middle and lower part of newly sprouted branchlet, 3-7(-10) cm, lowest ramifications 2-2.5 cm, hairy. Perianth lobes ovate, ca. 4 × 3 mm, pubescent on both surfaces. Filaments hairy, those of 3rd series especially hairy, with subsessile glands. Staminodes triangular, stipitate, villous. Ovary subglobose, glabrous or upper part sparsely pubescent; style glabrous or partly pubescent; stigma capitate. Fruit ellipsoid or oblong, 1.1-1.5 cm × 6-7 mm; persistent perianth lobes hairy, clasping base of fruit. Fl. Apr, fr. Oct-Nov.
● Wild trees usually in mountain valleys and broad-leaved forests, also cultivated. Fujian, Guangdong, N and NE Guangxi, NE and SE Guizhou, Hainan, Hubei, Jiangxi.