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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 7 | Hernandiaceae | Illigera

6. Illigera luzonensis (C. Presl) Merrill, Philipp. Gov. Lab. Bur. Bull. 17: 18. 1904.

台湾青藤 tai wan qing teng

Henschelia luzonensis C. Presl, Reliq. Haenk. 2: 81. 1835; Gronovia ternata Blanco; Illigera meyeniana Kunth ex Walpers; I. pubescens Merrill; I. ternata (Blanco) Dunn.

Lianas. Stem angulate. Leaves 3-foliolate; petiole 4-10 cm, rugose, villous; leaflets: petiolules 0.5-1.8 cm; blade abaxially pale, adaxially blackish when dry, broadly ovate to lanceolate-ovate or obovate, 3.5-12(-14) × 3-10 cm, papery, rarely subleathery, abaxially subglabrous or sparsely pubescent on midvein when young, adaxially opaque and sparsely pubescent or sparsely pubescent on midvein, lateral veins 3-5-paired, arising from midvein at ca. 30°, veinlets conspicuous abaxially, base rounded, rarely shallowly cordate, apex mucronate to acuminate. Cymes axillary, 7-15 cm, pubescent; bracteoles minute. Flowers green or pink. Outer tepals 8-12 × 3-4 mm, 5(-7)-veined. Inner tepals slightly shorter than outer ones, adaxially densely pilose. Filaments straight in bud, 7-7.5 mm; appendages on 0.5-1 mm stipe, ca. 3 mm total, abaxially with open mouth. Ovary tetragonous, pubescent. Interstaminal glands small, 2- or 3-lobed. Fruit 2(-4)-winged; large wings 1.5-2.5 cm wide, smaller wings 3(-10) mm wide. Fr. Apr-May.

Dense secondary forests; near sea level to 1300 m. S Taiwan (Gaoxiong, Hengchun) [Japan (Ryukyu Islands), Philippines].


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