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FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 8 | Saxifragaceae | Saxifraga

115. Saxifraga brachypoda D. Don, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. 13: 378. 1822.

短柄虎耳草 duan bing hu er cao

Hirculus brachypodus (D. Don) Losinskaja; Saxifraga glandulosa Wallich ex Seringe.

Stem simple, 5.5-19 cm tall, proximally glabrous, distally glandular hairy. Leaf buds present in leaf axils. Basal leaves absent. Cauline leaves crowded along stem, shiny, lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, 5-12 × 0.4-2.8 mm, leathery, rigid, both surfaces glabrous, margin setose-ciliate or glabrous, apex acute, rigidly aristate; median leaves larger than proximal and distal ones. Flower solitary or cyme 2- or 3-flowered; pedicels 0.5-1.8 cm, glandular hairy. Sepals erect, ovate or triangular-ovate to subelliptic, 3.5-5 × 1.6-3 mm, glabrous, or abaxially and marginally eglandular or glandular hairy, veins 3-7, not, partly, or fully confluent at apex, apex obtuse or acute. Petals yellow, obovate or elliptic to ovate, 5.5-9 × 2.3-5.2 mm, not callose, 5-8-veined, base with a claw 0.3-1 mm, apex obtuse. Stamens 2.9-5 mm; anthers dark brown. Ovary subsuperior, ovoid to ellipsoid, 2.2-2.9 mm; styles 1-2 mm. Fl. and fr. Jul-Sep. 2n = 16, 24.

Forests, scrub, alpine meadows, steep gullies, rock crevices; 3000-5000 m. C and N Sichuan (Baoxing Xian, Songpan Xian), S Xizang, NW Yunnan [Bhutan, N India, Myanmar, Nepal, Sikkim].


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