36. Saxifraga eglandulosa Engler, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 48: 576. 1912.
长毛梗虎耳草 chang mao geng hu er cao
Saxifraga rockii Irmscher, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 18: 267. 1935, not Mattfeld (1931).
Herbs perennial, cespitose, 8.5-15 cm tall. Stem brown crisped villous. Basal leaves not well developed, small, caducous; petiole ca. 1.4 cm; leaf blade narrowly ovate, ca. 1 × 0.6 cm. Cauline leaves ca. 6; most proximal one with petiole ca. 1.2 cm, crisped glandular villous; leaf blade ovate, ca. 1.8 × 1 cm, ± brown glandular villous, apex acute; median leaves sessile, ovate, ca. 1.6 × 1 cm, base rounded, apex acute; most distal leaf ovate-cordate, ca. 1.3 cm × 7.5 mm, base cordate, amplexicaul, apex acuminate. Flower solitary or cyme 2- or 3-flowered; pedicels 1.3-2.3 cm, brown crisped glandular villous. Sepals spreading, orbicular to elliptic, 4.2-6 × 3.3-3.8 mm, both surfaces glabrous or glandular pilose, veins 6 or 7, confluent into a verruca at apex, margin brown crisped glandular villous. Petals yellow, broadly elliptic to orbicular, 6.2-8 × 6-7 mm, not callose, 6- or 7-veined, base with a claw ca. 0.7 mm or clawless. Stamens ca. 6 mm. Ovary superior, subglobose; styles ca. 2 mm. Fl. Jul-Aug.
* Alpine meadows, rock crevices; 3600-4500 m. S Xizang, NW Yunnan.