3. Alchemilla glabra Neygenfind, Ench. Bot. 67. 1821.
无毛羽衣草 wu mao yu yi cao
Herbs perennial, 30–60 cm tall. Rhizome robust. Stems tufted, erect, taller than the leaves, glabrous or only declinate hairy in lower part. Radical leaves many; stipules membranous, brown, glabrous; petiole 10–18 cm, glabrous; leaf blade cordate-orbicular, 3–5 × 6–8 cm, both surfaces glabrous, rarely slightly appressed hairy and margin ciliate, base cordate, margin 7–9-lobed and serrulate; cauline leaves 2–5, shortly petiolate or subsessile; stipules connate at base, glabrous, margin serrate; leaf blade small, margin 3–5-lobed. Inflorescences laxly corymbiform-cymose. Flowers ca. 3 mm in diam.; pedicel 1–2 mm, glabrous. Hypanthium glabrous, base slightly decurrent. Sepals yellow-green, triangular-ovate, subglabrous; epicalyx segments oblong-lanceolate, nearly 1/2 as long as sepals, subglarous.
Alpine grasslands; ca. 4000 m. NW Sichuan [Russia (W Siberia); Europe].
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