3. Photinia tushanensis T. T. Yu, Acta Phytotax. Sin. 8: 229. 1963.
独山石楠 du shan shi nan
Shrubs evergreen, to 5 m tall. Branchlets grayish brown or grayish black when old, densely gray tomentose when young, gradually glabrescent. Petiole nearly absent or short, 3–5 mm, thick, initially densely tomentose, glabrate; leaf blade oblong-elliptic, 11–17 × 3–5 cm, thickly leathery, veins 13–15 pairs, robust midvein prominently raised abaxially and deeply impressed adaxially, abaxially densely yellowish brown tomentose, glabrate, adaxially initially tomentose, gradually glabrescent or subglabrous, base rounded, margin slightly revolute, entire, undulate, or inconspicuously shallowly serrate, apex acute or obtuse and shortly pointed. Compound corymbs terminal, compact, 9–10 cm in diam., numerous flowered; rachis and pedicels densely gray tomentose. Pedicel 2–3 mm or nearly absent. Flowers 5–6 mm in diam. Hypanthium cylindric, 3–5 mm, abaxially tomentose. Sepals ovate, ca. 1 mm, apex obtuse. Petals obovate or broadly elliptic, 2–2.5 mm, glabrous, base shortly clawed. Stamens 20, shorter than petals. Ovary tomentose; styles 2, free. Fruit not seen. Fl. Jun–Jul.
Thickets at mountain summits; 800--900 m. S Guizhou (Dushan Xian).
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